March 30, 2023
News: Diamond market quiet amid stalled China recovery and US economic caution. US consumer confidence +0.8% in March despite banking turmoil and interest rate hikes, Conference Board says. Botswana government to buy 24% of HB Antwerp and supply HB with rough through Okavango Diamond Company; deal puts spotlight on delayed De Beers-Botswana negotiations. Chow Sang Sang 2022 revenue -7% to $2.6B, profit -30% to $58M. Lab-grown dominates discussions at Israel meetings. NDC appeals to trade to help fund marketing. Yoram Dvash reelected WFDB president, Ronnie VanderLinden as IDMA president. THE RAPAPORT PRICE LIST WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED ON APRIL 7 AND 14 DUE TO THE JEWISH HOLIDAY OF PASSOVER.
Fancies: Fashion driving demand for elongated Ovals, Emeralds and Radiants. Goods with medium and short ratios are weak and declining in value. Slow market for 0.30 to 1.20 ct. diamonds. 1.25 ct. and larger, F-J, VS-SI categories stable. Supply shortages of well-cut fancies supporting prices. Oval is leading shape, followed by Radiant, Emerald, Pear, Cushion and Marquise. Retailers offering broader product ranges as consumers seek alternative cuts. Excellent shapes commanding premiums. Oversizes trading at higher prices than usual. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and difficult to sell.
United States:
Stable trading, with slight uptick in activity from previous weeks. Some anticipate a positive push for goods before Mother’s Day. Healthy mix of memo calls and asset purchases. Bridal not as strong as previous years as Covid-19 disrupted dating scene, resulting in delayed drop in engagements, Signet Jewelers reports. Stable demand for traditional US center-ring categories of 1 to 3 ct., G-I, VS-SI, with shift to elongated ovals, cushions and emeralds.
Market for 1 ct. and larger goods quiet amid continued price declines. Slow trading expected to continue into April as many businesses close for Passover. Fancy-color diamond segment robust, with 1 to 5 ct. intense and vivid yellows selling well. High-end jewelry strong, driven by growth of luxury brands. Rough trading stable during De Beers sight.
Buzz in the bourse during various events taking place over International Diamond Week. Some 450 buyers from over 40 countries attending; 150 exhibitors. Good demand for 0.20 to 0.30 ct. Weak interest in 0.50 to 3 ct. Nice, fancy shapes are selling well. Shift back to US memo market.
Slower activity amid sluggish US demand. Polished production gradually increasing as Chinese jewelers have resumed buying. 0.30 ct. diamonds doing very well. Fancy shapes are also a strong category. Rough prices are high relative to polished, squeezing manufacturing profit margins. Domestic jewelry demand steady.
Hong Kong:
Sentiment positive as market continues to reopen. Activity has dropped since March shows. Consumers seeking lower prices, pushing demand toward budget items such as colored gemstones. Some movement in 0.30 to 2.00 ct. diamonds. Manufacturing margins thin amid firm rough prices. Optimism for the second half of the year.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

Najnovšie správy: Kľudný diamantový trh odráža ekonomickú opatrnosť.
TLAČOVÁ SPRÁVA RAPAPORT, 4. apríla 2023, Las Vegas… Obchodovanie s diamantmi bolo v marci pomalé kvôli ekonomickej neistote v USA a zastavenému oživeniu v Číne. Rast úrokových sadzieb, vysokej inflácie a banková kríza prispeli k útlmu podnikania.
Sentiment sa zlepšil, keď hongkonská medzinárodná výstava šperkov signalizovala návrat čínskych kupujúcich po dlhšej neprítomnosti v dôsledku obmedzení Covid-19. K uvoľneniu zadržiavaného dopytu ešte nedošlo.
Brúsený inventár zostáva historicky vysoko, ale v populárnych veľkostiach sa znížil. Počet jedinečných diamantov kótovaných na RapNet klesol v marci o 3 % na 1,72 milióna k 1. aprílu. To bolo stále 10 % nad úrovňou pred pandémiou z 1. marca 2020.
Brúsená výroba je stabilná pri nižších množstvách. Objem hrubého dovozu z Indie klesol v prvých dvoch mesiacoch roku 2023 medziročne o 14 %. Ziskové marže výrobcov sa sprísnili, keďže ceny menšieho surového tovaru sa v prvom štvrťroku zvýšili odhadom o 30 %.
Diamantový dodávateľský reťazec sa delí na tovar, ktorý je plne vysledovateľný k zodpovedným zdrojom, a tovar, ktorý nie. Pred summitom v polovici mája krajiny G7 pracujú na pláne, ktorý by od spoločností vyžadoval, aby deklarovali neruský pôvod svojich diamantov. Smernicou by sa zvýšili opatrenia, aby sa na hlavných spotrebiteľských trhoch G7 nedostalo čo pochádza z Ruska.
Aktualizované sankcie pravdepodobne urýchlia rozdelenie trhu a môžu viesť k nedostatku obľúbených položiek v rámci krajín G7, najmä s predpokladaným zlepšením dopytu v druhej polovici rok
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

April 13, 2023
News: Diamond market quiet over Passover and Easter holidays. Slow trading also reflects US economic caution as polished prices continue to decline: 1 ct. RAPI -1.6% in March. China recovery fueling industry optimism, but activity still not at pre-pandemic levels. Hong Kong’s TSL expects $9M loss for fiscal year that ended March 31, cites Covid-19 disruptions. LVMH 1Q watch and jewelry sales +11% to $2.9B, group +17% to $23.2B, driven by rebound in Asia. Titan Company FY4Q jewelry sales +23%. Rough market sluggish but slightly better than 1Q. De Beers March sales -5% to $540M. GIA joins Tracr blockchain; institute reverts to printed dossiers after trade pushback on switch to digital.
Fancies: Fashion driving demand for elongated Ovals, Emeralds and Radiants. Goods with medium and short ratios are weak and declining in value. Slow market for 0.30 to 1.20 ct. diamonds. 1.25 ct. and larger, F-J, VS-SI categories stable. Supply shortages of well-cut fancies supporting prices. Oval is leading shape, followed by Radiant, Emerald, Pear, Cushion and Marquise. Retailers offering broader product ranges as consumers seek alternative cuts. Excellent shapes commanding premiums. Oversizes trading at higher prices than usual. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and difficult to sell.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

- Marec. Rapaport Časopis znamená biznis: Nový vzhľad, nový pocit, nové príbehy
V marcovom a aprílovom čísle predstavujeme nový vzhľad časopisu so sviežim dizajnom a sekciami venovanými farebným drahokamom, použitým hodinkám, maloobchodu, aukciám a šperkom z nehnuteľností, ako aj mnohým z našich pravidelných funkcií.
V tomto vydaní obraciame našu pozornosť na ušľachtilý trh, aby sme zistili, na čo sa spotrebitelia teraz dožadujú . Ponoríme sa aj do sveta spoločenskej zodpovednosti firiem, zdokumentujeme najnovšie informácie o zodpovednom získavaní zdrojov a podrobne sa pozrieme na prax greenwashingu . Plus: Je čas uvažovať o predaji na TikTok , alebo by si to mali klenotníci odložiť?
Keď sa pozrieme ďalej, uvádzame niekoľko kľúčových lekcií z kongresu ICA v Dubaji a podávame správu z výstav drahokamov v Tucsone a veľtrhu nehnuteľností TEFAF . Zdieľame niektoré aktuálne údaje o trhu s použitými hodinkami , ponúkame pohľad do prosperujúceho prostredia aukcií druhého stupňa a vypočujeme si tipy od dvoch odborníkov na interiérový dizajn, ako prerobiť svoj obchod . Tiež prezident Kay Jewelers Bill Brace nám hovorí, ako sa dostal na vrchol.
Čo sa týka štýlu, zameriame sa na šperky inšpirované zámkom , starožitné zlaté retiazky a nádherné kontrasty miešania drsných a fazetovaných kameňov . Poskakujeme po celom svete, obdivujeme tavené drahokamy japonskej klenotníčky Yutai a hovoríme s Corinne Le Foll z Dinh Van o jej plánoch urobiť z ikonickej francúzskej značky meno v USA.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

April 20, 2023
News: Tough market as prices continue to decline amid slow demand. US buyers distracted by Passover and Easter holidays and tax deadlines. China slow, but Hong Kong continues to improve: Chow Tai Fook FY4Q retail sales +14%; Luk Fook FY4Q same-store sales +83%. Greater caution in melee than a month ago. Rough prices weak on secondary market as polished production levels remain below capacity. India March polished exports -33% to $1.6B, rough imports -19% to $1.7B. Petra Diamonds FY3Q sales -52% to $68M due to Williamson mine shutdown, despite firm March tender prices. Mountain Province 1Q sales +42% to $95M. Sotheby’s HK sells $50M. Signet Jewelers predicts 4Q engagement boom.
Fancies: Fashion driving demand for elongated Ovals, Emeralds and Radiants. Goods with medium and short ratios are weak and declining in value. Slow market for 0.30 to 1.20 ct. diamonds. 1.25 ct. and larger, F-J, VS-SI categories stable. Supply shortages of well-cut fancies supporting prices. Oval is leading shape, followed by Radiant, Emerald, Pear, Cushion and Marquise. Retailers offering broader product ranges as consumers seek alternative cuts. Excellent shapes commanding premiums. Oversizes trading at higher prices than usual. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and difficult to sell.
United States:
Dealer market quiet. Businesses focused on meeting April 18 tax deadline and lacking urgency to purchase. Engagement ring segment slightly down, with slow demand for 1 ct., F-I, VS-SI, 3X goods. Signet Jewelers anticipates bridal reawakening in 2H. Elongated ovals, emeralds and cushions remain the strongest category.
Activity very slow, with growing concern over prolonged market quiet. Pockets of stability in certain niche categories such as fancy colors and fancy shapes. Dealers cautious about raising inventory of commercial-quality rounds. Some optimism for GemGenève show taking place from May 11 to 14. European luxury driving stable high-end demand.
Gradual return to trading after Passover break. Sentiment weak as some firms have missed their 1Q sales targets. Companies using downtime to assess market conditions and plan for 2H. Select categories of fancies selling well, with shortages also supporting prices. 1Q polished exports -36% to $838M, rough imports -42% to $287M.
Market lull due to decline in US and Chinese sales. Steady demand from local jewelers. Fancy shapes moving better than rounds. Rising appetite for non-certified diamonds in below-1-carat goods as manufacturers seek to save on grading costs. Inventory relatively high for this time of year. Manufacturers hesitant to raise polished production levels.
Hong Kong:
Trade cautious since March Hong Kong shows. Chinese buyers restrained despite opening of borders. Local retail boosted by return of tourist traffic; mainland China sluggish. Steady demand for 0.30 to 1 ct., D-J, VS-SI diamonds. Gold jewelry outperforming gem-set as gold prices climb.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

April 27, 2023
News: Diamond market quiet. US demand sluggish as jewelers reduced inventory purchases amid slowdown in engagement ring sales. Trade hoping Vegas shows will raise activity for 2H. Niche suppliers optimistic for GemGenève as European luxury sales are robust. Kering 1Q revenue +2% to $6.6B, boosted by “outstanding” jewelry. Rough trade cautious ahead of May sight. De Beers 1Q production flat at 8.9M cts., sales volume +23% to 9.7M cts. Diavik mine 1Q production -4% to 954K cts. Letšeng 1Q sales -30% to $37M, average price -22% to $1,431/ct. Tiffany & Co. reopens renovated flagship New York store. US sanctions 52 entities for funding Hezbollah terror group via diamond and luxury sales.
Fancies: Fashion driving appetite for elongated Ovals, Emeralds and Radiants. Goods with medium and short ratios are weak and slipping in value. Slow market for 0.30 to 1.20 ct. diamonds. 1.25 ct. and larger, F-J, VS-SI categories stable. Supply shortages of well-cut fancies supporting prices. Oval is leading shape, followed by Radiant, Emerald, Pear, Cushion and Marquise. Retailers offering broader product ranges as consumers seek alternative cuts. Excellent shapes commanding premiums. Oversizes trading at higher prices than usual. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and difficult to sell.
United States:
Sentiment down amid lower demand. Retailers focused on memo supply to avoid owning inventory during period of uncertainty. Selective interest, with fancy shapes selling well, particularly elongated ovals, emeralds and cushions. Fancy-color diamonds steady. Signet notes engagement ring gap ahead of summer wedding season; expects bridal turnaround from 4Q.
Quiet trading with fewer deals than usual for this time of year. Sluggish demand for 1 to 2 ct., G-J, VS-SI stones as engagement ring sales dulled since Covid-19. Dealers preparing for GemGenève show (May 11-14), with optimism for high-end segment. Rough buying slow ahead of next week’s De Beers sight (May 2-5). Many categories are selling at a discount on the secondary market.
Activity limited over Independence Day holiday. Caution due to muted US and Chinese markets. Focus is on the US market ahead of June 1 Las Vegas shows, but demand is selective. Dealers lack urgency and have reduced purchases to minimum. Widening price gap between bulk inventory purchases and specific trades.
Concern about decline in bulk orders, with low expectations for coming months. Dealers focused on specifics, cherry-picking top-quality goods. Melee market fell from a month ago. Optimism for China despite sluggish recovery. Small- to medium-sized manufacturers maintaining low production levels, with reduced rough demand ahead of next week’s De Beers sight. Large sightholders gaining market share and streamlining sales via strong online presence.
Hong Kong:
Dealer trading has slowed since the initial boost from reopening of the Chinese border in February. Chinese buyers cautious due to economic uncertainty on the mainland. Chinese jewelry manufacturing below capacity. Hong Kong retail boosted by improved tourist traffic but still below pre-pandemic levels. 2022 polished imports up 3% to $14.8 billion, exports rise 1% to $13 billion.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

Market Comment
June 15, 2023
News: Diamond markets under pressure. US luxury jewelers doing well, but middle markets over-inventoried and seeing slow sales. Signet share price down 17% over past week after advisory reflecting market slowdown. US inflation drops to 4% in May and Federal Reserve freezes interest rates, easing economic concerns. Major HK brands recovering, but overall Chinese demand slow. Chow Tai Fook sales +38% in April and May as tourists return. Okavango sells $101M of rough in June at lower prices after withdrawing goods in May. Cushion, 10.57 ct., fancy-vivid-purplish-pink, IF diamond fetches $34.8M ($3.3M/ct.) at Sotheby’s NY.
Fancies: Fancy-shape market slower than before but better than rounds. Elongated Ovals, Emeralds and Radiants are strongest items. Goods with medium and short ratios weak. Demand for Cushions declining. 0.30 ct. doing well. Orders low for 0.70 to 1.20 ct. diamonds. VS-SI losing strength, except in 1.20 to 1.49 ct. Well-cut stones seeing supply shortages. Excellent shapes commanding premiums. Retailers offering broader product ranges as consumers seek alternative cuts. Oversizes trading at higher prices than usual. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and difficult to sell.
United States:
Jewelry market mixed. Economic uncertainty affecting buying in low- to mid-income demographics. Luxury sector strong due to increased discretionary spending among wealthy Americans. Signet says drop in bridal orders likely to affect higher price points. Growing demand for synthetics in bridal is greatly damaging US natural-diamond sales. Steady interest in fancy-shape, 3 ct.+, H-I, SI diamonds.
Dealers returning from Las Vegas report positive sales of high-end items but weak market for commercial goods. Clients only buying to fill specific orders. Price declines not yet boosting activity; US and China demand slow. Expectations for September recovery. Rough sector assessing impact of lower supply following cancellation of recent De Beers auction and Petra Diamonds tender.
Sentiment low amid softening prices. Las Vegas shows had minimal positive impact. Dealers only purchasing when there is confirmed demand from a customer.
International demand down. Local markets supporting trade. US and Chinese buyers not placing larger orders. 0.50 to 3 ct. diamonds slow, especially in lower colors and clarities. SI goods losing steam. Well-cut fancies moving better than rounds. Manufacturers have reduced production.
Hong Kong:
Activity still sluggish amid weak mainland economy. Resumption of travel has had limited effect. Smaller dealers preparing to take early summer vacation. Steady appetite for 1 ct., D-J, VS diamonds in local and mainland markets. Chinese suppliers have increased their inventory ahead of summer sales season. Low expectations for small-scale Jewellery & Gem Asia Hong Kong show (June 22 to 25). Trade optimistic that situation will improve in time for international September fair.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

Market Comment
June 22, 2023
News: US and Chinese demand for polished above 0.30 ct. weak and causing slowdown in 0.75 ct. and larger rough. Indian manufacturers focusing on small, low-value and synthetic goods to keep factories running. Inexpensive natural melee diamonds doing better than expected as Rapaport June melee auction sells $6.2M (93% of lots). India Prime Minister Modi gives 7.5 ct. synthetic diamond to Jill Biden. De Beers offers 1 to 2 ct. synthetic diamond engagement rings at $800-$1,500/ct., raising concerns in industry. De Beers June sales -32% to $450M following price drop in larger sizes. US Census Bureau reports May retail sales +0.3%. Low expectations for HK show. India May polished exports -18% to $1.7B, rough imports -19% to $1.2B.
Fancies: Fancy-shape market slower than before but better than rounds. Longer Ovals, Pears, Radiants and Cushions fetching higher prices than shorter stones. Goods with medium and short ratios weak. Demand for Cushions declining. 0.30 ct. doing well. Orders low for 0.70 to 1.20 ct. diamonds. VS-SI losing strength, except in 1.20 to 1.49 ct. Well-cut stones seeing supply shortages. Excellent shapes commanding premiums. Retailers offering broader product ranges as consumers seek alternative cuts. Oversizes trading at higher prices than usual. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and difficult to sell.
United States:
Jewelry sales slow. Economic data fueling hopes of improvement: Consumer sentiment up 8% in June after inflation eased and lawmakers reached debt-ceiling deal, University of Michigan reports. Signet’s shares seeing moderate recovery but still down 10% in past two weeks. De Beers’ launch of synthetic engagement rings signals lab-grown is taking market share.
Trading very quiet. High-end demand supporting sector; sales to US mid-market have slumped. Rough dealers benefiting from Indian manufacturers’ rush to process small, cheap goods. De Beers’ move into lab-grown engagement rings prompting concern.
Market cautious. Buyers highly selective amid uncertain global demand. Sales of 1 ct. diamonds down due to sluggish US bridal segment.
Activity slow. Manufacturers keeping workers busy with smaller rough since polished above 0.30 carats is hard to sell. Overall production capacity at about 50%; profit margins are thin. Some movement in melee. Pears, marquises and ovals are best performers amid low demand for rounds. Domestic market bolstering sector following drop in US and China orders.
Hong Kong:
Weak Hong Kong and China demand is weighing on business. Jewellery & Gem Asia Hong Kong show not expected to offer much of a boost, as overseas buyers are absent. Steady appetite for 1 ct., D-H, VS (3X, none) diamonds in local market. Slow economy in run-up to summer vacation means jewelry manufacturers working at 50% capacity.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

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