Moderátoři: smith, Koniáš

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Příspěvky: 1 147

4. 7. 2016

#691 7. 3. 2019, 15:57

To bych musel brusku rozebrat. Možná někdy.

Profilový obrázek

Příspěvky: 22 603

23. 10. 2006

#692 7. 3. 2019, 16:07

Pokial je to urcene na brusenie noznic nozov 30min. je ok vyrobca netusil aka bude ina funkcia...

Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

Profilový obrázek

Příspěvky: 1 147

4. 7. 2016

#693 7. 3. 2019, 16:24

No to výrobce netušil😁 Předělal jsem brusku na značku DoDo (dodělej doma). A jsem celkem spokojený.
Ty nože by bruska zvládla brousit déle něž 30 minut, je tam malá styčná plocha. Ale několikacentimetrový achát je větší zátěž.

Profilový obrázek

Příspěvky: 22 603

23. 10. 2006

#694 7. 3. 2019, 17:04

Medzi prestavku mozes vyuzit na kavicku, caj, cigaretku... 😃

Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

Profilový obrázek

Příspěvky: 1 147

4. 7. 2016

#695 7. 3. 2019, 17:25

Jenom na ten čaj😃 Na odpočinek rukou, některé kotouče už mám jeté tak, že vibrují. Navíc já se zabavím i jinak než broušením. Takže ty přestávky nevadí. V zimě na balkóně bruska chladne rychle😁 , horší je to v létě. Nechci ji zbytečně přetěžovat, protože výrobek používám určitě v rozporu s návodem.😃

Profilový obrázek

Příspěvky: 22 603

23. 10. 2006

#696 7. 3. 2019, 17:57

Pokiaľ dodržuješ pravidelné prestávky a nepotrebuješ denne používať určite postačuje .

Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

Profilový obrázek

Příspěvky: 22 603

23. 10. 2006

#697 8. 3. 2019, 09:29

Rapaport Weekly Market Comment

Mar 7, 2019 10:59 AM

Diamond trade cautious after slow Hong Kong show. Demand selective and inventory levels high, with buyers insisting on deep discounts for goods under 0.50 ct. Low manufacturing profits reducing Indian polished production as smaller goods not making money. 0.30ct. RAPI -0.6%, 1 ct. RAPI +0.1% in Feb. with better market for 0.70 to 1.99 ct. De Beers prices flat at $490 million sight. Far East consumer outlook improving as US and China approach trade deal. Chinese retailers restocking after Lunar New Year, with Hong Kong jewelry and luxury sales +5% to $1.1B in Jan. HRD adopts natural-diamond grading language for synthetics reports.

Fancies: Fancy-shape market stable, driven by US and European demand for fashion jewelry. Supply shortage supporting prices for Pears. Radiants improving. Marquises and Princesses weak. Excellent-cut Ovals, Pears and Emeralds doing well, with steady demand for fine-quality goods in 6 to 10 ct., and prices firming for 3 to 5 ct. due to shortages. Chinese consumers seeking fancy shapes at better prices. US sustaining market for commercial-quality, medium-priced fancies under 1 ct. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and hard to sell, even at very deep discounts.

United States: US wholesale trading difficult due to high prices. Secondhand diamonds emerging as a more profitable market for small-stone dealers. Ovals strong. Retailers increasingly seeing lab-grown as viable option for low-budget customers.

Belgium: Dealers report sluggish sales at Hong Kong show, with diamonds above 10 carats moving slowly despite high expectations. Overall demand good for 1.00 to 2.99 ct., G-K, VS, 3X. Baselworld (Mar. 21 to 26) set to be smaller show than usual after high-profile exits.

Israel: Hong Kong show boosted activity, with steady demand for 0.70 to 1.99 ct. goods. Weaker movement in dossiers up to 0.49 ct., and 3 ct. and larger sizes. Fancy shapes slow, except pears and ovals with perfect cuts. Midstream facing difficulties due to high rough prices, with Israel losing further market share to India.

India: Manufacturers maintaining reduced production in quiet market. Margins under pressure due to high rough prices at De Beers sight and subdued polished demand. Steady orders for 0.50 to 1.99 ct., G-H, VS2-SI1 (3X, no fluorescence). Stones with good or fair cut very hard to sell. Melee stable, with selective demand for stars, but manufacturers want to sell bigger melee sizes, as they offer better profits. Traders and manufacturers showing growing interest in synthetics.

Hong Kong: Sentiment positive after show, with retailers replenishing stock following Chinese New Year sales. Exhibitors not lowering prices with strong demand for 1 ct., D-K. Nice SI clarities in short supply. Chinese consumers moving away from 0.50 ct. category, opting for 0.30 or 1 ct., F-J goods. Alternative cuts popular and offering good margins. Sales of yellows and pinks improving. Dealers optimistic despite ongoing concerns about trade war.

Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

Profilový obrázek

Příspěvky: 22 603

23. 10. 2006

#698 18. 3. 2019, 13:27

Rapaport Weekly Market Comments

Market sentiment weak, with select categories seeing demand. Diamonds between 0.70 ct. and 1.99 ct. moving well, but large stones slow. Sluggish demand for goods under 0.50 ct., with manufacturers reducing production of that size. Rough market subdued. Alrosa Jan.-Feb. sales -40% to $627M. Belgium Feb. rough imports -28% to $621M, polished exports -3% to $1.2B. Gem Diamonds 2018 revenue +25% to $267M, profit +171% to $47M after record production of exceptional stones. Eurostar Diamond Traders close to bankruptcy amid $500M debts. Signet appoints Jamie Singleton president of merged Kay, Zales and Peoples leadership team.

Fancies: Fancy-shape market stable, driven by US and European demand for fashion jewelry. Supply shortage supporting prices for Pears. Radiants improving. Marquises and Princesses weak. Excellent-cut Ovals, Cushions, Pears and Emeralds doing well, with steady orders for fine-quality goods in 6 to 10 ct., and prices firming for 3 to 5 ct. due to shortages. Chinese consumers seeking fancy shapes at better prices. US sustaining market for commercial-quality, medium-priced fancies under 1 ct. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and hard to sell, even at very deep discounts.

United States: Market weak, with falling interest in diamonds under 0.50 ct. and above 3 ct. Buyers insisting on discounts due to excess supply. Good orders for cushions and ovals. Growth in January retail sales indicates improving consumer confidence.

Belgium: Sentiment low, with demand in select categories. Round, 1 ct. goods selling well, but less movement in 2 to 2.99 ct. range, and very weak market in 5 ct. stones and larger. Strong interest in pear, 1 to 2 ct., VVS diamonds. Inventories falling as manufacturing levels decline.

Israel: Polished production low due to weak market for rounds 3 ct. and larger in high colors and clarities. Shortages of ovals and pears supporting prices.

India: Sentiment cautious, with selective interest in smaller sizes. Surplus of +11 goods has placed pressure on prices. Firms trading rough rather than manufacturing, creating shortages in certain melee categories. Slow demand for diamonds under 0.50 carats, but better sales of round, 1 ct. stones. Dealers seeing stronger orders from US than China, with certified goods easier to sell than uncertified. Liquidity low for manufacturers and traders as Mar. 31 financial year-end approaches.

Hong Kong: Activity dropping slightly as positive effects of Hong Kong show wear off and peak retail season ends. Demand remains for 1 ct., G-I, VVS2-SI2 diamonds, with shortages of stones containing no black inclusions. Dossiers not selling well, especially in 0.50 to 0.99 ct. range. Weak overall demand for 2 ct. diamonds, but dealers still getting orders for certain triple-Ex goods with high colors and medium clarities. Fancy-yellow sales stable in China.

Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

Profilový obrázek

Příspěvky: 22 603

23. 10. 2006

#699 22. 3. 2019, 12:19

Rapaport Weekly Market Comment

Mar 20, 2019 10:59 AM

Low expectations for Basel show amid weak large-stone demand and fewer diamond, jewelry and watch exhibitors. US stable, with good orders for commercial-quality 0.70 to 1.99 ct., G-J, SI-I2 diamonds. Shortages developing for better qualities as India cuts back production. Rough market quiet, with deep concerns about manufacturing profitability. Alrosa 2018 revenue +9% to $4.6B, profit +15% to $1.4B. De Beers launches $2B Jwaneng mine expansion. India Feb. polished exports -4% to $2.3B, rough imports -18% to $1.4B. CIBJO specifies need to disclose treatments for both natural and lab-grown diamonds and gemstones. Fugitive jeweler Nirav Modi arrested in London.

Fancies: Fancy-shape market stable, driven by US and European demand for fashion jewelry. Supply shortage supporting prices for Pears, with 1.50 ct. the strongest category. Radiants improving. Marquises and Princesses weak. Excellent-cut Ovals, Cushions, Pears and Emeralds doing well, with steady orders for fine-quality goods in 6 to 10 ct., and prices firming for 3 to 5 ct. due to shortages. Chinese consumers seeking fancy shapes at better prices. US sustaining market for commercial-quality, medium-priced fancies under 1 ct. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and hard to sell, even at very deep discounts.

United States: Steady New York trading. Dealers selling old stock, with few new goods coming onto the market, as manufacturing has declined. Difficult to find right products to satisfy buyers’ specific requirements. Jewelry retail sales stable with no major holidays to boost demand. Jewelers focused on bridal; engagement-ring sales going strong ahead of summer wedding season.

Belgium: Mixed sentiment, with good demand for 1 to 1.99 ct., H-K, VS2-SI2 diamonds. Steady orders for pears, cushions and ovals. Market for fancy colors relatively quiet. Some interest in Basel show, but fewer dealers attending. Profit margins tight, with reduced rough supply supporting prices, while polished continues to soften. Rough activity down following last week’s Alrosa sale.

Israel: Quiet market during a short week, with offices closing Thursday for Purim holiday. Many dealers attending Baselworld as visitors rather than exhibitors, hoping to do business on the sidelines of the show. Large stones above 3 ct. weak. Steady orders for 1 ct., G-J, VS-SI diamonds. Shortage of nice ovals and pears supporting prices. Rough trading cautious amid tight profit margins for dealers and manufacturers.

India: Sentiment weak amid slow polished trading. Foreign buyers looking for bargains and pushing for deeper discounts on goods below 0.50 ct. Local dealers cautious, despite boost from rupee’s rise to INR 68.6/$1. Liquidity tight due to overseas purchasers delaying payments, and businesses settling accounts before the financial year-end. Rough market subdued as cutters try to reduce polished inventory and avoid manufacturing low-profit rough.

Hong Kong: Polished activity stable. Good market for pointer sizes at reduced prices. Steady interest in 1 ct., D-H, VS-SI, with lower I-M colors also selling well. 2 ct. and larger stones sluggish. Buyers insisting on 3X, no fluorescence. Jewelry retail relatively slow after the Chinese New Year season.

Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

Profilový obrázek

Příspěvky: 22 603

23. 10. 2006

#700 30. 3. 2019, 17:33

Rapaport Weekly Market Comment

Mar 28, 2019

Sentiment weakens after soft first quarter. Dealers avoiding large inventory purchases, and manufacturers reducing supply. Miners bracing for tough year as first-quarter sales decline an estimated 30%. Rough market under pressure, with some analysts optimistically predicting flat rough prices in 2019. Sightholders hoping profit margins will improve after next week’s sight. Baselworld announces price cuts and changes to diamond section, after smaller 2019 show. Alrosa estimates 2018 global diamond-jewelry sales +4% to $85.9B. Tiffany 2018 revenue +7% to $4.4B, profit +58% to $586M. US 2018 polished imports +8% to $23.3B. GIA to introduce polished-diamond country-of-origin report.

Fancies: Fancy shapes stable, driven by US and European demand. Ovals for fashion jewelry in good demand. Supply shortage supporting prices for Pears, with 1.50 ct. the strongest category. Radiants improving. Marquises and Princesses weak, despite reduced manufacturing. Excellent-cut Ovals, Cushions, Pears and Emeralds doing well, with steady orders for fine-quality goods in 6 to 10 ct. Chinese consumers seeking fancy shapes at better prices. US sustaining market for commercial-quality, medium-priced fancies under 1 ct. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and hard to sell, even at very deep discounts.

United States: Dealer trading slow as retailers are increasingly cutting out the middle man. Demand specific, with steady interest in 1 ct., G-J, VS2-I1 diamonds. Goods below 0.50 ct. and above 3 ct. weak. Ovals selling well at wholesale and retail. Jewelry sales stable, with strong emphasis on engagement and bridal ahead of summer wedding season.

Belgium: Sentiment weak, with little excitement about the Basel show. Buyers are selective, filling specific orders and avoiding large inventory purchases. New goods selling well, with shortage of top-select-quality diamonds due to lower production. Steady demand for 1 ct., G-H, VS-SI goods. Rough trading quiet, with long gap between February and April sights.

Israel: Polished trading quiet, with slowdown in 2 to 5 ct. sizes. Mid-scale companies struggling more than large and smaller entities, which are better at navigating unpredictable markets. Focus shifting back to US, with good demand for RapSpec A3, 3X, eye-clean SIs. Fancy-shape prices supported by low supply rather than strong demand. Pears and ovals hot in 1.50 ct., F-G, VS.

India: Domestic market slow, with fewer overseas dealers in Mumbai. Buyers pushing for deeper discounts on diamonds below 0.50 ct. and above 3 ct. Good US and Chinese demand for nice SIs. Liquidity tight as dealers settle accounts ahead of March 31 financial year-end. Manufacturers maintaining low polished production, after reduced first-quarter rough purchases.

Hong Kong: Wholesale trading slow after Chinese New Year season, with economic uncertainty fueling caution for upcoming May 1 holiday. China retail improving as consumers are choosing to spend locally rather than abroad. Momentum continues for 1 ct., D-I, VS-SI. Shortage of nice SIs causing shift to better clarities. 0.30 to 0.50 ct. dossiers moving better as prices continue to soften.

Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

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