Moderátoři: smith
Dobrý den,
mohl by mi někdo poskytnout informaci o tom, co se platí při výhře na aukcích Künker navíc nad rámec vydražené ceny mince. Myslím, jestli se platí ještě navíc DPH a případně další poplatky a v jaké výši. Pokud s tím máte někdo osobní zkušenosti, prosím o informaci. Předem děkuji.
The hammer price is the basis for the calculation of the buyer’s surcharge. For buyers from EEC countries the following applies: for consumers there is a standard surcharge of 23 % (relevant VAT already included). For traders according to the Value Added Tax Act the surcharge is 23 % (relevant VAT already included) for goods delivered by difference taxation; for goods delivered by standard taxation the surcharge is 20 % plus the relevant VAT on the entire amount of hammer price and surcharge. Export deliveries to EEC countries shall be free of VAT on existence of the respective legal requirements.
For buyers from abroad (no EEC country) the following applies: there is a standard surcharge of 20 %. As far those buyers export the good in person or by third persons, the relevant VAT will be charged but refunded by presentation of the legal export certificate. In case we export these goods the relevant VAT will not be charged.
For gold coins, which are not subject to the legal VAT, the surcharge is 15 % of the hammer price.
Processed coin catalogs 4.418 Auctions / 36.665 Lots
Všetko o bankovkách :)
Sent from my ZX Spectrum
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