Moderátoři: smith, Koniáš

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Příspěvky: 22 594

23. 10. 2006

27. 8. 2019, 11:35

Fidzi; vlákno kopíruje momentálnu situáciu už dlhé roky to je pravda, diamanty nie sú len o investícii..., apropo sú ďaleko drahšie farebné drahé kamene ako biele diamanty.
Za tie roky vlákno má celkom slušnú návštevnosť podľa štatistík, zrejme zaujímajú informácie aj okoloidúcich, len to neprejavujú verejne...😉

Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

Profilový obrázek

Příspěvky: 22 594

23. 10. 2006

27. 8. 2019, 13:11

Obrázok: 114,2-karátový žltý diamant. (Gem Diamonds)


Obrázek vložený uživatelem

Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.


Příspěvky: 4 957

10. 3. 2009

27. 8. 2019, 14:37

Fidzi; vlákno kopíruje momentálnu situáciu už dlhé roky to je pravda, diamanty nie sú len o investícii..., apropo sú ďaleko drahšie farebné drahé kamene ako biele diamanty. Za tie roky vlákno má celkom slušnú návštevnosť podľa štatistík, zrejme zaujímajú informácie aj okoloidúcich, len to neprejavujú verejne...😉

O úspechu kopírovania Rapaportov sem do diskusie vôbec nepochybujem. Ja sám tu hľadám azyl, keď to v iných diskusiách vrie nevraživosťou. Tie rapaporty sú ako balzám na nepokojnú zberateľskú dušu a zároveň si zlepšujem svoju pozitívnu angličtinu.😉

Processed coin catalogs 4.152 Auctions / 35.000 Lots
Všetko o bankovkách :)
Sent from my ZX Spectrum

Profilový obrázek

Příspěvky: 22 594

23. 10. 2006

27. 8. 2019, 20:37

Hmmm. ako obyčajne nič odborne ku veci, ale na guána máme tlacháreň...

Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

Profilový obrázek

Příspěvky: 22 594

23. 10. 2006

30. 8. 2019, 21:52

Rapaport Weekly Market Comment
Aug 29, 2019 10:58 AM

Suppliers preparing for Hong Kong show amid uncertainties about buyer attendance. Weak Chinese sentiment due to trade war and yuan depreciation (-4% in Aug. to CNY 7.1/$1). Tourist spending declines, with Tiffany & Co. 2Q sales -3% to $1B, earnings -6% to $136M. Chow Sang Sang 1H retail revenue +1% to $1.1B, profit +2% to $78M after strong start to 2019, but double-digit slowdown when Hong Kong protests began in June. Inventory levels declining due to reduced manufacturing, despite sluggish polished trading. Rough market very quiet after $280M De Beers sight. Trans Hex CEO Llewellyn Delport resigns as mid-scale miners struggle to stay afloat in current weak market.

Fancies: Fancy shapes soft, reflecting slowdown in overall demand. 3 to 8 ct., I-K, VS-SI1 moving better than rounds as dealers and consumers shift to lower price points. Well-known brands are paying highest prices, as are buyers with specific requests. Ovals for fashion jewelry moving well, especially 1.50 and 2 ct., G-H, VS and H-K, SI2. Marquises and Princesses weak despite reduced manufacturing. US sustaining market for commercial-quality, medium-priced fancies under 1 ct. Chinese consumers seeking fancy shapes at better prices. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and hard to sell, even at very deep discounts.

United States: Sentiment weak amid selective polished demand and shift to lower qualities. Steady memo calls for 1 to 2.50 ct., G-H, VS2-SI1 goods. Fancy-color dealers holding sizable inventory of large yellow diamonds. Trade war and volatile stock market affecting consumer and business confidence. Concerns about increased jewelry-sourcing costs ahead of September 1 China tariff hike.

Belgium: Trade not yet out of vacation mode. US inquiries steady, but orders seasonally sluggish. Chinese demand slow. Businesses cautious about attending Hong Kong show. Decline in rough-dealer activity after small De Beers and Alrosa August sales.

Israel: Bourse quiet as dealers return from summer break. Suppliers focused on US as 4Q selling season approaches. Steady market for 1 ct., G-H, VS2-I1 RapSpec A3+ goods. Not easy to source best-quality SIs, which are in demand. Low expectations for Chinese demand at Hong Kong fair.

India: Activity subdued, with many businesses closed for Jain Paryushan festival. Some US, Chinese and Israeli buyers looking for bargains from cash-strapped Indian suppliers. Polished inventory starting to decline due to reduced manufacturing. Still a lot of available lower-quality goods — brown, green, milky (BGM) and diamonds with fluorescence — that are not easy to sell. Dealers considering supply requirements ahead of US holiday season.

Hong Kong: Slow market as protests continue to affect commerce. Show organizers trying to calm exhibitor concerns about upcoming fair, which begins September 16. Trade war and yuan depreciation affecting China demand. Steady orders for 0.30 to 0.50 ct., F-I, VS-SI goods. Weak interest in 1 ct.+, D-F, IF-VVS stones.

Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

Profilový obrázek

Příspěvky: 22 594

23. 10. 2006

6. 9. 2019, 07:08

Rapaport Weekly Market Comment
Sep 5, 2019 10:58 AM

Concerns about Hong Kong show remain as protests continue despite withdrawal of extradition bill that sparked them. Luxury jewelers developing China strategy to focus on high-end consumers, who are spending more at home. Weak Chinese wholesale demand weighing on diamond market, with 1 ct. RAPI -0.4% in August. US jewelers considering buying opportunities but delaying holiday stock orders. Signet Jewelers 2Q sales -4% to $1.4B, net loss of $44M vs. $31M loss last year. Polished inventory levels reduced, but still higher than previous years. Manufacturing profit margins tight despite limited rough supply. Rough prices must come down to enable better 2020.

Fancies: Fancy shapes soft, reflecting slowdown in overall demand. 3 to 8 ct., I-K, VS-SI1 moving better than rounds as dealers and consumers shift to lower price points. Well-known brands are paying highest prices, as are buyers with specific requests. Ovals for fashion jewelry moving well, especially 1.50 and 2 ct., G-H, VS and H-K, SI2. Marquises and Princesses weak despite reduced manufacturing. US sustaining market for commercial-quality, medium-priced fancies under 1 ct. Chinese consumers seeking fancy shapes at better prices. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and hard to sell, even at very deep discounts.

United States: Market quiet during shorter week that began with Labor Day. Dealers hoping for better September ahead of holiday season. Buyers cautious and struggling to profit as prices continue to soften. Jewelers prefer taking memo. Steady demand for 1 to 1.50 ct., G-J, VS-SI engagement-ring goods, with rising interest in ovals.

Belgium: Sentiment weak amid soft trading following summer break. Calls to fill specific orders, but very few buying for stock. Large stones above 3 carats, G-I, VS-SI holding steady. Rough activity slow, with limited supply and low profit margins. Dealers hoping for price reduction at September sales.

Israel: Some improvement after vacation period, but trading still cautious. Uncertainty surrounding the Hong Kong show, although some foresee buying opportunity in weak market. Far East quiet. US stable, but more calls for memo than full orders. Shortage of nice SIs, which are in demand.

India: Slow trading over Jain Paryushan festival and Hindu Ganesh Chaturthi holiday. High gold price and declining currency (INR 72/$1) impacting domestic jewelry demand. Jewelry manufacturers compensating by reducing diamond content. Cutters maintaining low production until October 27 Diwali break, with some smaller units already closing. Polished inventory levels went down in last month, but still higher than previous years.

Hong Kong: Business sluggish as city enters third month of pro-democracy demonstrations. Exhibitors struggling to confirm appointments ahead of September 16 show. Local wholesalers expecting some dealer activity at the fair, but low Chinese buyer attendance. Stable demand for 1 ct., D-G, SI goods. Luxury jewelers focusing on mainland China to capitalize on a shift toward local purchasing among the country’s consumers.

Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.


Příspěvky: 6 858

6. 1. 2013

6. 9. 2019, 12:18

Já sem občas "odskočím" je to oáza klidu. Nikdo nic nekritizuje ani zleva, ani zprava, prostě diamanty jsou věčné !

Profilový obrázek

Příspěvky: 22 594

23. 10. 2006

6. 9. 2019, 13:01

Nie len diamanty, ale vsetky kvalitne drahe kamene Altmann su vecne...

Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

Profilový obrázek

Příspěvky: 22 594

23. 10. 2006

10. 9. 2019, 12:26

RAPAPORT ... Bezchybný biely diamant s vysokým cenovým odhadom 13 miliónov dolárov sa objaví v aukcii Sothebys Magnificent Jewels a Jadeite v Hongkongu budúci mesiac.

Diamant typu IIa s váhou 80,88 karátov farby D je v rozmedzí 10 miliónov až 12,8 milióna dolárov a je jedným z iba piatich diamantov so smaragdovým brusom vyše 80 karátov ponúkaných v histórii aukcie, uviedola Sothebys v pondelok.

Bezdomovci určite vyberajú hotovosť z ponožiek...


Obrázek vložený uživatelem

Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

Profilový obrázek

Příspěvky: 22 594

23. 10. 2006

11. 9. 2019, 12:31

RAPAPORT ... Predaje spoločnosti Alrosa v auguste medziročne klesli o 38% na 181,8 milióna dolárov, keďže slabosť na trhu pretrvávala.


Obrázek vložený uživatelem

Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

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