Rapaport Weekly Market Comment
Jan 24, 2019 10:59 AM
Diamond markets quieter than usual in January. Dealers cautious amid sluggish US post-holiday demand. Far East orders slow as jewelers focus on Chinese New Year sales. Decline in Chinese tourist spending sees Tiffany & Co. Nov./Dec. sales -1% to $1B. Luk Fook 3Q same-store sales -10%. JBT reports US industry shrinks 4% to 25,102 jewelers in 2018. Rough sentiment weak as manufacturers face tight profit margins, high inventory and less financing. Indian bank credit down 30% due to weaker rupee and change in lending policy. De Beers 2018 production +6% to 35.3M cts., sales volume -4% to 33.7M cts. Alrosa 2018 output -7% to 36.7M cts., sales volume -8% to 38.1M cts.
Fancies: Fancy-shape market stable, driven by US and European demand for fashion jewelry. Ovals are best sellers, followed by Emeralds, Cushions and Pears. Supply shortage supporting prices for Pears. Radiants improving. Marquises and Princesses weak. Oversizes selling well. Steady demand for fine-quality 6 to 10 ct. Ovals, Pears and Emeralds, with prices firming for 3 to 5 ct. due to shortages. Chinese consumers seeking fancy shapes at better prices. US supporting market for commercial-quality, medium-priced fancies under 1 ct. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and hard to sell, even at very deep discounts.
United States: Polished trading improving as dealers return from New Year break. A lot of goods out on memo, with suppliers waiting to see if they convert to sales. Stable demand for 1 ct., G-J, VS-SI, RapSpec A3+ diamonds. Uncertainty due to government shutdown and disappointing holiday sales by the major jewelers. Retailers preparing inventory for Valentine’s Day, with focus on engagement and bridal collections.
Belgium: Dealers more optimistic as activity picked up since New Year. Buyers looking for goods, with steady demand for commercial-quality, 1 ct. and larger, G-H, SI diamonds and shortage of excellent-cut polished.Melee improving. 0.30 to 0.49 ct. dossiers slow. Rough trading cautious, with prices for goods below 3-grainers softening on secondary market during De Beers sight.
Israel: Suppliers uncertain about 2019 prospects due to slow trading and new diamond tax. Dealers hoping next week’s International Diamond Week will boost sales and help reduce stock. 0.30 to 0.49 ct. slow and prices softening. Stable demand for 0.70 to 1.50 ct., G-J, VS-SI diamonds, with shortages in certain qualities. Rough market quiet.
India: Dealers concerned about slower-than-normal January trading. Far East demand quiet before Chinese New Year. Selective post-holiday restocking by US retailers. SI-I1 doing well in most sizes. Melee market stable and showing signs of improvement. Manufacturers holding large inventory and maintaining lower polished production.
Hong Kong: Polished market stable, but wholesalers and jewelry manufacturers starting to close for Chinese New Year. Dealers expect improvement when they return for the Hong Kong show, which begins Feb. 28. Stable demand for 0.30 to 0.70 ct., E-G, VS-SI, 3X diamonds. 1 ct., F-H, VS-SI also selling well. Focus on boosting retail sales during peak season, with concern that Chinese tourist spending has softened.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
Skupina Rapaport organizuje výlet do Sierry Leone pre členov diamantového klubu, ktorí chcú získať prehľad o možnostiach v sektore baníctva.
Táto návšteva poskytne príležitosť stretnúť sa a komunikovať s remeselníkmi v krajine. Táto misia pomôže lepšie porozumieť úlohe remeselného sektora v klenotníctve. Bude zdôrazňovať a preukazovať príležitosti pre ziskový trvalo udržateľný hospodársky rozvoj baníctva a šperkárstva. Bude budovať porozumenie a vzťahy medzi remeselníkmi v baníctve a klenotníctve.
Výrobcovia šperkov, predajcov a diamantov sa môžu zaregistrovať svoju žiadosť o cestu cez https://bit.ly/2Hq2iHU . Táto misia bude obmedzená na 25 účastníkov kvôli prísnym logistickým obmedzeniam. Ďalšie informácie vám poskytne e-mail: SLTrip@Rapaport.com .
Vezmite prosím na vedomie. Toto nie je diamantový výlet. Kým budú k dispozícii obchodné kontakty a povzbudenie naším poslaním je rozvíjať vzťahy a príležitosti pre budúcu obchodnú a rozvojovú činnosť. Účastníci, ktorí chcú nakúpiť diamanty v Sierre Leone, môžu byť ubytovaní po ukončení misie v piatok 6. apríla. Je potrebné zverejniť oznámenie o úmysle kúpiť, aby sme mohli zabezpečiť dodržiavanie všetkých vládnych nariadení.
Rapaport bude poskytovať všetky pozemné servisy . Zahŕňa to hotely, stravu, dopravu a bezpečnosť. Freetown ubytovanie bude v 4-hviezdičkovom hoteli. Kono ubytovanie bude v 3-hviezdičkovom hoteli. Poplatok za výlet je 2 000 USD na účastníka a zahŕňa všetky pozemné presuny , ale nie leteckú dopravu.
Zodpovednosť účastníkov:
Všetci účastníci budú mať očkovanie proti vírusom a na žltú horúčku a lieky proti malárii. Tím Rapaport môže pomáhať pri získavaní víz a splnení ďalších požiadaviek. Oficiálny program končí po raňajkách v piatok. Účastníci si môžu predĺžiť svoj pobyt na vlastné náklady. Martin Rapaport zostane v nedeľu v Freetowne.
Letecká doprava : Letecká doprava do Sierry Leone je obmedzená. Po prilete účastníkom sa odporúča, aby čo najskôr kontaktovali svojho cestovného agenta, aby sa zabezpečili, že do Sierra Leone sa dostanú do pondelka 1. apríla. Martin Rapaport bude cestovať z New Yorku 31. marca. Cestovné kancelárie Rapaport môžu pomôcť s rezerváciami.
Účastníci by mali vyplniť on-line žiadosť o registráciu čo najskôr. Služba Rapaport bude priebežne informovať žiadateľov, ktorí boli vybraní na cestu. Ak bude veľký počet žiadateľov, bude sa usilovať o zrealizovanie druhej cesty. Kliknite sem a zaregistrujte sa.
Itinerár :
Príchod do Freetownu
22:00 Uvítacia večera; Prenocovanie v meste Freetown.
06:30 Odchod do Kona; Navštívte stránky artisanal digger a mesto Koidu.
17:00 Stretnite sa s robotníkmi a ich združeniami.
19:30 Večera s výkopmi; Prenocovanie v Kono.
08:00 Odchod na návštevu obce Koryardu, stretnutie s komunitou. Voliteľné výlet na miesto, kde bol objavený Peace Diamond. Poznámka: Tento výlet môže byť namáhavý a je asi 1 hodinu v každom smere. Príležitosť pre účastníkov, aby zistili, ako sa pracuje každý deň.
12:00 Navštívte Nimiyama Chiefdom a Village.
14:30 Odcestujte do Freetownu.
20:30 Večera vo Freetone; Prenocovanie v meste Freetown.
09:00 Rozvojová diamantová konferencia s členmi remeselného spoločenstva.
Diskusia o úlohe diamantu a šperkov v Sierra Leone. Stretnutia s vládnymi úradníkmi.
12:30 Obed s členmi remeselnej komunity.
14:00 prehliadka Freetown; Nakupovanie.
19:00 Záverečná večera.
odlet z letiska.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
Nový zoznam klientov spoločnosti Alrosa nezahŕňa spoločnosť Leviev
- januára 2019 5:36 Od Joshua Freedmana
RAPAPORT ... Spoločnosť Alrosa prestala dodávat surové diamanty LLD Diamonds spoločnosti Lev Leviev prostredníctvom svojich zmlúv o predaji v rámci zmluvy, ako súčasť reorganizácie dlhodobého zoznamu zákazníkov.
Izraelská firma, ktorá je jedným z "niekoľkých" bývalých zákazníkov, ktorí odstúpili od zoznamu dodávok v roku 2019, známy ako program Alrosa Alliance, uviedla ruská spoločnosť.
"V minulom roku bolo rozhodnutie vylúčiť LLD z dlhodobého zoznamu klientov kvôli nedodržaniu princípov Alrosa Alliance", vysvetlil hovorca ruského výrobcu v e-mailovej správe Rapaport News tento týždeň. Ruská spoločnosť má pokyny, ktoré uvádzajú rôzne možné dôvody na pozastavenie klienta.
Spoločnosť Alrosa nepotvrdila totožnosť ostatných spoločností, ktoré odstránila zo zoznamu.
LLD sa dostala do popredia, pretože izraelská polícia zatkla niekoľko svojich zamestnancov v novembri za podozrenie z pašovania diamantov v hodnote stoviek miliónov šeklov do krajiny. Alrosa odmietla uviesť, či tento krok bol priamo spojený so sondou, zatiaľ čo LLD neodpovedala na žiadosť o pripomienku.
Alrosa Alliance predstavuje asi 70% hrubého obratu banského priemyslu. Spravuje podobnú úpravu ako systém pozorovateľov spoločnosti De Beers, ktorý ponúka stabilné dodávky pre spoločnosti, ktoré dokážu preukázať dopyt a dodržiavať pravidlá týkajúce sa obchodných postupov.
Spoločnosť Alrosa rozšírila svoj zoznam na 59 dlhodobých kupcov surových diamantov v roku 2019, od 56 v minulom roku. Šiestimi novými členmi boli šperky Chow Sang Sang z Hongkongu, indické diamantové firmy Kapu Gems, Mohit Diamonds, spoločnosť VD Global a spoločnosť M. Suresh a švajčiarsky výrobca Richold.
"Potvrdzujeme nedotknuteľnosť princípov Alrosa Aliance a máme záujem o diverzifikáciu našej klientskej základne, ktorá vzrástla v porovnaní s minulým rokom," povedal Evgeny Agureev, riaditeľ United Selling Organization spoločnosti Alrosa. Zatiaľ čo noví zákazníci preukázali dostatočnú "obchodnú aktivitu" na zabezpečenie dlhodobej dodávky, "niekoľko spoločností zo zoznamu upustilo," dodal.
Alrosa tiež prijala dve belgické spoločnosti, HD Diam a skupinu IGC, ako kandidátov na potenciálne budúce dlhodobé zmluvy. Obe firmy predtým kúpili od spoločnosti Alrosa v rámci ad-hoc obchodov, známych ako spotové transakcie.
V minulom roku spoločnosť Alrosa prešla každoročným hodnotením pridelených finančných prostriedkov pre nerovnomerné diamanty, pričom svoju politiku viac zosúladila s politikou spoločnosti De Beers. Podľa starého systému sa spoločnosť Alrosa zaoberá dodávkou klientov, ktoré sa konajú počas troch rokov.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
Rapaport Weekly Market Comment
Jan 31, 2019 10:59 AM
Polished trading sluggish with Far East dealers on holiday for Chinese New Year. Reduced expectations for Chinese Year of the Pig after 4Q slowdown. US buyers cautious as Conference Board consumer confidence index falls 5% to 18-month low, due to volatile stock market and government shutdown. High-end luxury doing well. LVMH 4Q jewelry and watch revenue +8% to $1.3B. Rough premiums decline, with continued weakness in low-value goods at $505M De Beers sight. Petra Diamonds 1H sales +8% to $207M, production +10% to 2M cts., average price -6% to $119/ct. Rapaport Group announces trip to Sierra Leone (April 1-4) to highlight artisanal mining industry.
Fancies: Fancy-shape market stable, driven by US and European demand for fashion jewelry. Excellent-cut ovals, pears and emeralds doing well. Supply shortage supporting prices for Pears. Radiants improving. Marquises and Princesses weak. Steady demand for fine-quality 6 to 10 ct. Ovals, Pears and Emeralds, with prices firming for 3 to 5 ct. due to shortages. Chinese consumers seeking fancy shapes at better prices. US supporting market for commercial-quality, medium-priced fancies under 1 ct. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and hard to sell, even at very deep discounts.
United States: New York market quieter than usual for this time of year. Smaller dealers relying on memo calls rather than sales. Steady interest in 1 to 1.50 ct., G-H, SI goods. Large-stone demand softer. Jewelers concentrating on Valentine’s Day promotions, with focus on engagement rings and anniversary gifts.
Belgium: Polished trading steady and dealers relatively optimistic. Steady demand for 1 ct., D-F, VS-SI goods. 1.50 to 2 ct., D-G, VS-SI also doing well. 5 ct. and larger diamonds slower. Rough trading cautious following last week’s De Beers sight. Cutters and rough dealers concerned about profitability since premiums on the secondary market declined in January.
Israel: Busy activity in the bourse during International Diamond Week. Niche suppliers who are able to provide curated products for their customers are doing well. Buyers looking to fill existing orders rather than build inventory. Steady demand for 1 to 1.50 ct., G-H, VS-SI, RapSpec A3+ diamonds. Improving demand for princess-cut, 1.50 to 2.99 ct., G-I, VS2-SI1.
India: Dealers and cutters cautious as US restocking is slower than expected.Low volume of new goods coming to the market, with significant slowdown in diamond manufacturing. Inventory levels high and suppliers offering old stock at deeper discounts. Steady demand for SI-I1 clarity goods. Concerns about tight profit margins and reduced bank credit. Rough trading relatively slow following De Beers sight.
Hong Kong: Diamond market quiet, with dealers on vacation during Chinese New Year. Business expected to resume in mid-February ahead of Hong Kong show. Jewelry retail sales stable, with steady engagement ring demand for the Lunar festival and Valentine’s Day. Good demand for 1 ct., F-H, VS-SI, 3X goods. Gemstones and fancy-color diamonds selling well for the season, particularly rubies and emeralds.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
Rapaport Weekly Market Comment
Feb 7, 2019 10:59 AM
Far East trading quiet during Chinese New Year. Market cautious due to weak demand, tight profitability and reduced bank credit. Selective buyers creating shortages of excellent-cut (3X, none) diamonds, but prices of lower-quality goods softening due to excess supply. 1 ct. RAPI -0.4% in Jan. Manufacturers maintaining low production as profit margins are squeezed by high rough prices. Letšeng 4Q sales -40% to $42M, average price -43% to $1,259/ct. Belgium 2018 rough imports flat at $10.7B. Pandora 2018 sales flat at $3.5B, profit -13% to $773M. RapNet introduces jewelry to trading network. The Rapaport Group wishes all our friends a happy and successful Chinese New Year.
Fancies: Fancy-shape market stable, driven by US and European demand for fashion jewelry. Excellent-cut ovals, pears and emeralds doing well. Supply shortage supporting prices for Pears. Radiants improving. Marquises and Princesses weak. Steady demand for fine-quality 6 to 10 ct. Ovals, Pears and Emeralds, with prices firming for 3 to 5 ct. due to shortages. Chinese consumers seeking fancy shapes at better prices. US supporting market for commercial-quality, medium-priced fancies under 1 ct. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and hard to sell, even at very deep discounts.
United States: New York trading stable but lacking usual first-quarter buzz. Shortage of better-quality diamonds supporting prices. Large availability of lower qualities such as brown, green, milky (BGM) stones. A lot of goods out on memo. Dealers concerned about lack of industry financing and growing demand for synthetics. Retailers focused on Valentine’s Day promotions. Solitaire jewelry selling well, and rose-gold rings gaining popularity.
Belgium: Dealer sentiment mixed amid sluggish polished trading and concern about high rough prices. Fewer post-Christmas orders than last year. 3X, no-fluorescence stones selling at firm prices. Stable demand in 1 ct., H, VS1, 3X diamonds. Rough trading slow, with some dealers making a loss on the secondary market.
Israel: Positive momentum from International Diamond Week at the end of January. Niche suppliers of large stones, fancy shapes and fancy-color diamonds doing well. Low availability of bread-and-butter, 1 ct., D-J, VS2-I1, RapSpec A2+ goods, with buyers relying on overseas suppliers. Weak demand for 3 to 5 ct., D-H, IF-VVS2 diamonds, with prices softening despite low inventory.
India: Polished trading quiet. Foreign dealers in Mumbai looking for bargains. Relatively low amount of new merchandise available, as manufacturers keep production down due to tight profits and sluggish demand. High gold prices weighing on jewelry retail sales. Jewelry wholesalers and diamond dealers hoping for boost at next week’s IIJS Signature show (Feb. 10 to 13).
Hong Kong: Jewelry wholesalers and diamond dealers on vacation during Chinese New Year. Activity expected to resume in two weeks and pick up around the Hong Kong show (Feb. 28 to Mar. 4). Polished inventory levels down since January, but remain significantly higher than this time last year. Jewelers focused on selling to Chinese tourists.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
Rapaport Weekly Market Comment
Feb 14, 2019 10:59 AM
Polished market improving, with suppliers selling at lower prices to generate liquidity. Rough trading cautious as high rough prices and weak polished continue to squeeze midstream profits. Shortages of top-make goods due to reduced manufacturing, but large inventory of leftover lower-quality diamonds. Chinese government reports retail sales +9% during 7-day Lunar New Year holiday. High-end luxury robust as Boucheron owner Kering sees strong growth in US and Asia. NRF expects jewelry to top list of Valentine’s Day gifts. Alrosa Jan. sales -44% to $282M. Belgium Jan. polished exports -4% to $777M, rough imports -33% to $727M. Rapaport announces Trade Mission to Surat April 8-11.
Fancies: Fancy-shape market stable, driven by US and European demand for fashion jewelry. Supply shortage supporting prices for Pears. Radiants improving. Marquises and Princesses weak. Excellent-cut Ovals, Pears and Emeralds doing well, with steady demand for fine-quality goods in 6 to 10 ct., and prices firming for 3 to 5 ct. due to shortages. Chinese consumers seeking fancy shapes at better prices. US sustaining market for commercial-quality, medium-priced fancies under 1 ct. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and hard to sell, even at very deep discounts.
United States: Polished trading quiet for February. A lot of calls for short-term memo, but fewer sales. Buyers are looking for deals and are able to push suppliers’ prices lower. Steady demand for 1 ct., G-J, VS-SI, RapSpec A3+ goods. Some shortages in top-make RapSpec A2+ diamonds. Strong online jewelry promotions for Valentine’s Day.
Belgium: Mixed outlook for the market, with suppliers to the Far East doing well before the Hong Kong show. US buyers holding back. Solid demand for 0.30 to 1 ct., G-J, VS-SI, RapSpec A2+ (3X, no-fluorescence) diamonds. Fewer fresh goods becoming available. Rough trading cautious, with De Beers and Alrosa products selling at lower premiums on the secondary market.
Israel: Sentiment improving. Dealers concentrating on the US while Far East returns from Chinese New Year break. Good orders for 1 ct., G-J, VS-SI, RapSpec A3+ diamonds. 0.30 to 0.50 ct. and 0.70 ct. selling after recent price cuts. Rough trading stable, with steady interest in specials (above 10.8 ct.).
India: Dealers preparing for Hong Kong show, stimulating better activity in Bharat Diamond Bourse. Overseas buyers interested in 0.30 to 2 ct., H-K, VS2-I1 stones. Little buzz around IIJS Signature fair, but steady gold jewelry market for wedding season. Liquidity concerns amid bankruptcy rumors of small-scale manufacturers. Polished production levels remain restrained.
Hong Kong: Polished trading sluggish as dealers slowly return from Chinese New Year vacation. Activity expected to pick up in next two weeks ahead of Hong Kong show, which starts Feb. 28. Solid demand for 1 ct., D-I, VS-SI goods (3X, no-fluorescence). Retail sales good during Lunar festival and for Valentine’s Day. Stable Chinese tourist traffic during the season.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
Rapaport Weekly Market Comment
Feb 21, 2019 10:59 AM
Rising expectations for Hong Kong show (Feb. 26), with hope that Chinese buyers will resume bulk orders following 2018 slowdown. Dealers uncertain about prices. Suppliers taking a lot of goods to the show. Top-make RapSpec A2+ seeing steady demand and short supply. Rough market cautious ahead of De Beers sight, as manufacturers are squeezed by high rough prices and inflated polished inventory. De Beers 2018 revenue +4% to $6.1B, earnings -34% to $349M, average price +6% to $171/ct. Petra Diamonds appoints Richard Duffy as CEO, 1H revenue +8% to $207M, loss of $58M vs. loss of $118M the previous year. India Jan. polished exports -16% to $1.7B, rough imports -40% to $858M.
Fancies: Fancy-shape market stable, driven by US and European demand for fashion jewelry. Supply shortage supporting prices for Pears. Radiants improving. Marquises and Princesses weak. Excellent-cut Ovals, Pears and Emeralds doing well, with steady demand for fine-quality goods in 6 to 10 ct., and prices firming for 3 to 5 ct. due to shortages. Chinese consumers seeking fancy shapes at better prices. US sustaining market for commercial-quality, medium-priced fancies under 1 ct. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and hard to sell, even at very deep discounts.
United States: Suppliers working directly with retailers on program goods doing well. Dealers having tough time amid slow trading. Memo houses busy, with short-term consignment goods selling more easily than long-term. Steady demand for 1 ct., G-J, VS-SI, RapSpec A3+ diamonds. Mixed reports about Valentine’s Day, with busy traffic at big brands and shift to lower price points.
Belgium: Polished trading slow for this time of year. Steady demand for 0.50 to 1 ct., G-M, VS-SI, with shortage in lower colors. Focus on filling specific requests from US and Europe, rather than bulk orders. Little excitement for Hong Kong show. Rough dealers cautious due to tight liquidity and reduced manufacturing.
Israel: Quiet market, with suppliers hoping Hong Kong show will stimulate better activity. Many attending the show without exhibiting. Dealers struggling to compete with India on price. Stable demand for 1 ct., G-J, VS-SI, RapSpec A3+ goods; shortage of K-M colors. Large stones and nice-make fancy shapes selling well.
India: Suppliers optimistic for Hong Kong show, with signs of improvement in polished trading. Overseas buyers looking for top-make VS-I1 goods, with shortages in select categories. Manufacturers maintaining lower production, as inventory of low-quality polished remains high. Tight liquidity due to reduced bank credit, squeezed profit margins and delayed payments from some overseas clients. Local jewelry market slow.
Hong Kong: Wholesale trading improving, with some pre-orders before the Hong Kong show, which begins Feb. 26. Dealers optimistic for show as buyers have refrained from bulk orders for some time. Good demand for 1 ct., F-K, SI-I1, VG+ diamonds. 0.30 to 0.70 ct., G-I, SI-I1 also selling well. Jewelers more optimistic than before, with sentiment buoyed by strong ecommerce growth.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
Rapaport Weekly Market Comment
Feb 28, 2019 10:59 AM
Slow start to Hong Kong show, but optimistic Far East buyers are restocking inventory after Chinese New Year. Dealers hoping show will stimulate better trading after sluggish Jan./Feb. Rough market cautious as profit margins remain tight despite rough-price reductions at De Beers sight. Swiss lab SSEF launches GemTrack, linking polished to rough colored stones. Michael Hill 1H sales -3% to $226M, profit +124% to $14M. Sarine 4Q sales -6% to $12M, profit -85% to $93,000. Rio Tinto diamond revenue -2% to $695M, profit +28% to $118M. Lucara 2018 revenue -20% to $176M, profit -82% to $12M. De Beers appoints Nompumelelo Zikalala CEO of merged South Africa and Canada mining divisions.
Fancies: Fancy-shape market stable, driven by US and European demand for fashion jewelry. Supply shortage supporting prices for Pears. Radiants improving. Marquises and Princesses weak. Excellent-cut Ovals, Pears and Emeralds doing well, with steady demand for fine-quality goods in 6 to 10 ct., and prices firming for 3 to 5 ct. due to shortages. Chinese consumers seeking fancy shapes at better prices. US sustaining market for commercial-quality, medium-priced fancies under 1 ct. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and hard to sell, even at very deep discounts.
United States: New York trading stable with many suppliers at Hong Kong show. Shortage of fine-quality (3X, no-fluorescence) SI goods. Excess supply of lower-quality stones. Steady interest in 1 ct., G-J, VS2-I1 diamonds. Retail market seasonally slow with focus on bridal ahead of summer wedding season. Jewelers seeing rising demand for lab-grown diamonds.
Belgium: Polished market slowly improving. Dealers expecting large-stone demand at Hong Kong show. Fancy shapes slow. 1 ct., G-J, VS-SI diamonds selling well, but buyers insisting on top makes. Goods with faint fluorescence sell at significantly lower prices. Slightly better premiums on rough secondary market.
Israel: Local trading quiet. Large delegation of dealers and suppliers traveled to Hong Kong fair. High hopes the show will stimulate stronger activity in Ramat Gan bourse. Suppliers holding prices firm for 0.70 to 1.49 ct., G-J, VS-SI, RapSpec A2+ diamonds (3X, no fluorescence). Good demand at large-stone rough auctions.
India: Sentiment weak as many dealers traveled to the Hong Kong show. Suppliers holding large volume of goods that are difficult to move. Steady demand for 1 ct., G-J, VS-I1 diamonds. 2 ct.+ slow.Manufacturers remain cautious as profit margins continue to be squeezed and polished production remains relatively low.
Hong Kong: Positive sentiment among local traders, with many foreign dealers and buyers in town for the show. Big local brands looking for goods. Jewelers still assessing Chinese New Year sales and are expected to restock in coming months. Steady demand for 0.30 to 1 ct., D-J, VS-SI (3X, no-fluorescence) stones. Fancy-color diamonds also selling well.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
Rezolúcia OSN na reformu Kimberleyského procesu .
RAPORT ... Valné zhromaždenie Organizácie Spojených národov (VZ OSN) prijalo uznesenie, ktoré vyzýva k reformám s cieľom zvýšiť účinnosť Kimberleyského procesu (KP),ktoré navrhla Svetová rada pre diamanty (WDC).
Európska únia navrhla uznesenie na 73. zasadnutí zhromaždenia 1. marca a všetci 193 členovia Valného zhromaždenia OSN sa dohodli.
"Najväčšou výzvou je prijatie uznesenia Valného zhromaždenia OSN, a to nielen preto, že odzrkadľuje výzvu na reformu, ktorú sme obhajovali spoločne s občianskou spoločnosťou na najnovšom plenárnom zasadnutí KP v Bruseli, ale aj preto, lebo bola schválená s podporou všetkých členských krajín Organizácie Spojených národov vrátane tých, na ktorých územiach sa diamanty ťažia, spracujú, obchodujú a predávajú v šperkoch, "uviedol v pondelok prezident WDC Stephane Fischler.
Tento krok sleduje odvolanie Fischlera, aby KP uskutočnil zmeny svojej politiky - predovšetkým rozšírenie svojej definície konfliktných diamantov - počas mimoriadneho zasadnutia, ktoré sa konalo minulý týždeň na Valnom zhromaždení OSN. Spoločnosť WDC podporila návrh Kanady na tento účel na plenárnom zasadnutí KP v novembri.
"Dúfame, že tento celosvetový záväzok neustáleho zlepšovania celistvosti globálneho dodávateľského reťazca nehrdzavejúcej diamanty všetkými týmito krajinami sa v priebehu tohto roka zopakuje na fóre Kimberleyského procesu," dodal Fischler.
Podpora OSN zdôrazňuje postavenie WDC, uviedla Rada a dodala, že dúfa, že to bude znamením zvýšenej účasti na KP v budúcnosti.
"Zdôraznila našu hlbokú vieru, že úloha KP je nielen obranná, ale aj proaktívna, pretože je katalyzátorom vytvárania spoločností s udržateľnými ekonomickými príležitosťami," vysvetlil Fischler.
Uznesenie bolo tiež prijaté od členov priemyselného odvetvia.
"Plne podporujem výzvu OSN a Svetovej diamantovej rady na posilnenie kimberleyského procesu," uviedol v pondelok tweeter David Bouffard, viceprezident pre korporátne záležitosti Signet Jewelers. "Kľúčové postavenie KP zohráva dôležitú úlohu pri neustálom zlepšovaní integrity celosvetového dodávateľského reťazca šperkov."
Image: 2018 Predseda Kimberley Process Hilde Hardeman sa obrátil na Valné zhromaždenie OSN. (World Diamond Council)
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
RAPAPORT ... Prvý Čínsko-Izraelský diamantový týždeň sa uskutoční v Shenzhene v apríli.
Podujatie organizované Izraelskou spoločnosťou (IDE), Shanghai Diamond Exchange (SDE) a Guangdong Land Holding - bude zahŕňať seminár, podpísanie memoranda o spolupráci, návštevy výrobných zariadení diamantových šperkov a sieťových podujatí.
Na prehliadke sa bude konať stretnutie predajcov , kde izraelskí vystavovatelia predstavia svoje diamanty čínskym kupujúcim.
"Čínsko-Izraelský týždeň Diamantov prináša úzke vzťahy medzi IDE a SDE na ešte vyššiu úroveň," uviedol v pondelok prezident IDE Yoram Dvash. "Toto je prvá sólová výstava IDE v Číne. Je to vynikajúca príležitosť získať expozíciu na tomto najdôležitejšom trhu a sme veľmi nadšení. "
Žiadne ohrozenie Čínou nebude ???
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
Pro vkládání příspěvků se musíte přihlásit.