Rapaport Weekly Market Comment
Nov 22, 2018 10:59 AM
Polished market stable as jewelers complete holiday orders. Outlook optimistic for season, but stock-market volatility may impact luxury spending after Dow slumps 3.7% during Thanksgiving week. Mall-based retailers discounting to compete with online Black Friday deals. Prices of small polished weak. Manufacturing margins tight, despite recent rough price cuts. De Beers Nov. sight valued at $440M. Hong Kong jewelers concerned about trade war and weak yuan currency. Sotheby’s Geneva garners $60M, with cushion, 21.19 ct., fancy-light-pink, VVS2 diamond selling for $7.4M ($347,601/ct.). The Rapaport Group wishes all our friends a happy Thanksgiving and a successful holiday season.
Fancies: Fancy-shape market stable, driven by US and European demand for fashion jewelry. Ovals and Cushions are best sellers, followed by Emeralds and Pears. Supply shortage supporting prices for Pears. Radiants improving. Marquises and Princesses weak. Oversizes selling well. Steady demand for fine-quality 6 to 10 ct. Ovals, Pears and Emeralds, with prices firming for 3 to 5 ct. due to shortages. Chinese consumers seeking fancy shapes at better prices. US supporting market for commercial-quality, medium-priced fancies under 1 ct. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and hard to sell, even at very deep discounts.
United States: Dealer market slows ahead of Thanksgiving weekend. Jewelers more focused on sales than sourcing goods. Strong emphasis on improving online platforms for holiday season. A lot of diamonds out on memo, but not many retail sales of those goods yet. Steady demand and firm prices for 1 to 3 ct., G-J, VS-SI, RapSpec A3+ diamonds.
Belgium: Polished trading relatively quiet, with only marginal improvement since Diwali. Focus on filling US orders; fewer coming from China and India. 0.50 to 0.70 ct., G-J, VS-SI selling well. GIA- and IGI-graded stones doing better than HRD. Dealers hoping HRD/AWDC agreement to sell on Alibaba will boost China exposure. Rough trading sluggish.
Israel: Steady activity, driven by US orders and some Hong Kong dealer demand. 0.50 to 1 ct., G-J, VS-SI stable, with some shortage in 0.80 to 0.99 ct. sizes. Diamonds above 2 ct. firm, with good demand for I1s. Fancy shapes solid; fine-cut, pear-shape, 1.50 to 3.99 ct., D-H, SI1 stones selling at -28%/-32%.
India: Dealers cautious after Diwali break, amid tight liquidity and fresh bankruptcy rumors. Fewer transactions than this time last year. Manufacturers have enough inventory, and factories remain closed. Good market for VVS ahead of upcoming wedding season. Steady gold sales reported over Diwali.
Hong Kong: Business improving, with solid demand for 1 ct., D-H, VS-SI (3X, none) diamonds. Dealers also looking at lower colors (J-L). Trading slower than this time last year, but dealers expect pickup ahead of Chinese New Year. Jewelers preparing for holidays are concerned about impact of US-China trade war and weaker yuan (-6.5% since Jan. 1).
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
Nárast dovozu opracovaných diamantov v USA
Nov 26, 2018 7:32 Od Rapaport News
RAPORT ... Podľa dovozu do USA sa v septembri zvýšil dovoz brúsených diamantov.
Zásielky do krajiny sa medziročne zvýšili o 10% na 1,95 miliardy USD, čo je tretí mesačný nárast, aj keď objem dovozu klesol o 19% na 902 000 karátov. Priemerná cena vzrástla o 35% na 2,157 USD za karát.
Vývoz brúsených klesol o 3% na 1,66 miliardy dolárov, zatiaľ čo čistý dovoz - predstavujúci dovoz mínus vývoz - vzrástol na 283 miliónov USD oproti 66 miliónom dolárov za rovnaké obdobie pred rokom.
Hrubý dovoz klesol o 16% na 49 miliónov dolárov a hrubý vývoz klesol o 19% na 29 miliónov dolárov. Čisté dovozy surových klesli o 12% na 20 miliónov dolárov. Zisk z diamantov - vypočítaný ako celkový a dovoz mínus celkový vývoz - sa viac ako strojnásobil na 304 miliónov dolárov oproti 89 miliónom dolárov za ten istý mesiac minulého roka.
V prvých deviatich mesiacoch roka dovoz brúsených vzrástol medziročne o 6% na 17,63 miliardy dolárov, pričom vývoz brúsených vzrástol o 8% na 15,07 miliardy dolárov. Čistý dovoz klesol o 1% na 2,57 miliardy dolárov.
Hrubý dovoz za deväťmesačné obdobie končiace sa 30. septembrom klesol o 25% na 461 miliónov dolárov, zatiaľ čo hrubý vývoz klesol o 31% na 385 miliónov dolárov. Čistý dovoz neopracovaných vzrástol o 46% na 76 miliónov USD. Celkove rozdiel v USA za prvých deväť mesiacov klesol o 1% na 2,64 miliardy dolárov.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
Rapaport Weekly Market Comment
Nov 29, 2018 10:59 AM
Sentiment improves after positive start to holiday season. More people shopped than expected on Thanksgiving weekend, but average spend fell 7% to $313 per consumer, reports NRF. Online sales +20% in November, with record $7.9B generated on Cyber Monday, according to Adobe Analytics. Polished market stable, with continued caution about small stones. Luxury jewelers concerned as Chinese tourists spend less abroad. Chow Tai Fook 1H sales +20% to $3.8B, profit -89% to $37M. Tiffany & Co. 3Q sales +4% to $1B, profit -5% to $95M. Christie’s Hong Kong sells $60M (70% by lot). Birks to accept Bitcoin payments, despite the cryptocurrency’s volatility (-68% in 2018).
Fancies: Fancy-shape market stable, driven by US and European demand for fashion jewelry. Ovals and Cushions are best sellers, followed by Emeralds and Pears. Supply shortage supporting prices for Pears. Radiants improving. Marquises and Princesses weak. Oversizes selling well. Steady demand for fine-quality 6 to 10 ct. Ovals, Pears and Emeralds, with prices firming for 3 to 5 ct. due to shortages. Chinese consumers seeking fancy shapes at better prices. US supporting market for commercial-quality, medium-priced fancies under 1 ct. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and hard to sell, even at very deep discounts.
United States: Polished trading mixed, with dealers expecting last-minute holiday orders. More memo goods selling at retail since Thanksgiving weekend. Jewelers taking goods to meet specific orders rather than to fill store space. Steady demand for 1 ct., G-H, VS-SI diamonds. Positive start to holiday season, with strong Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales.
Belgium: Sentiment positive, with busier trading for the holiday season. Steady US and European demand, China and India slower. 0.70 ct., G-H, VS2 diamonds selling well. 1 ct. steady. Stones above 4 ct. weak. Rough trading quiet, and premiums relatively low on the secondary market.
Israel: Polished trading stable, but quieter than expected for this time of year. Robust demand for select categories. Shortages supporting prices for 0.70 ct., D-J, VS-SI goods. 0.50 ct., F-J, VS1-SI2 selling well at around -35%. Good demand for 2 ct., J-L, VS2-SI2. Several dealers participating in Hong Kong International Jewelry Manufacturers’ Show (HKIJMS) and hoping well-timed event will boost Asia orders.
India: Dealer market back to normal after Diwali break, and manufacturers expected to start raising production. Foreign buyers in Mumbai looking for polished, but difficult to find the right goods. Local dealers gaining confidence as rupee-dollar exchange rate has stabilized at around $1/INR 70.6. I1 clarities moving well across most color categories. Jewelry market stable during wedding season.
Hong Kong: Wholesalers seeing better orders, but some disappointment over November trading. Dossiers stable, particularly 0.50 to 1 ct., D-J, VS-SI (3X, no-fluorescence) diamonds. Retail sentiment weak amid concerns about cautious spending by tourists from mainland China. Jewelers considering early holiday promotions to reduce excess stock. Low expectations for HKIJMS show, which began November 29.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
Graff Diamonds otvoril nový obchod v Hongkongu pre VIP klientelu .
Úvodom budú predstavené brusené diamanty z 1010 karátového diamantu kúpeného od f. Lucara Diamond v roku 2017 .
Rozloha butiku je 2800 m2... , skoro ako u nás.
Dúfam niekedy budú mať ľudia aj u nás trochu vedomostí a hlavne financií na nákup ...
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
grofik napsal/a:
Rozloha butiku je 2800 m2... , skoro ako u nás.
Dúfam niekedy budú mať ľudia aj u nás trochu vedomostí a hlavne financií na nákup ...
Diamanty v tejto cenovej kategórii sa nebudú predávať za pokladňou v Lidli. Predpokladám príjemný rozhovor v súkromných priestoroch pri fľaške drahého vínka alebo koňaku.
No a počas nákupu tiež nebude prebiehať vedomostný test kupujúceho. Je to o množstve paliva, ktoré je kupujúci ochotný obetovať výmenou za trblietavý kamienok. Len si predstav, že by nám tu po meste pobehovali vysokoškolskí profesori ovešaní diamantovými hodinkami... 😃
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Sent from my ZX Spectrum
Rapaport Weekly Market Comment
Dec 6, 2018 10:59 AM
Market focused on jewelry retail as Christmas approaches. Brands targeting female self-purchasers and enhancing omni-channel platforms to drive growth. Diamond market stable. November 1 ct. RAPI +0.6%, supported by US holiday demand and preparations for Chinese New Year. Rough trading cautious as manufacturing profit is tight and inventory high, despite seasonal demand. Signet Jewelers 3Q sales +3% to $1.2B, net loss of $38M. Christie’s NY fetches $62.2M (83% by lot), with cushion, 8.08 ct., fancy-vivid-blue, VS2 Bulgari ring selling for $18M ($2.3M/ct.). Sotheby’s NY sells $46.4M (89% by lot), led by cushion, 51.52 ct., F, IF Harry Winston ring that sold for $4M ($77,154/ct.).
Fancies: Fancy-shape market stable, driven by US and European demand for fashion jewelry. Ovals and Cushions are best sellers, followed by Emeralds and Pears. Supply shortage supporting prices for Pears. Radiants improving. Marquises and Princesses weak. Oversizes selling well. Steady demand for fine-quality 6 to 10 ct. Ovals, Pears and Emeralds, with prices firming for 3 to 5 ct. due to shortages. Chinese consumers seeking fancy shapes at better prices. US supporting market for commercial-quality, medium-priced fancies under 1 ct. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and hard to sell, even at very deep discounts.
United States: Market driven by last-minute orders before Christmas. General retail holiday sales good, but slightly down from last year. Dealers starting to see sales of goods sent on memo. Steady demand for 1 ct., G-I, VS-SI diamonds. Consumers seeking diamond studs, pendants and bracelets, while stacking and layering remains a strong fashion trend.
Belgium: Positive sentiment, with steady last-minute orders for the holiday season. Good European demand, particularly for 1 to 3 ct., G-K, VS-SI diamonds. Larger fancy shapes also moving well, with improvement in princess and ovals. Far East buyers price-sensitive and willing to compromise on color and clarity. Rough trading quiet during Alrosa sale, which began December 5, and ahead of next week’s De Beers sight.
Israel: Active trading, but US demand quieter since jewelers are focused on selling rather than buying. Mediocre Hong Kong show demonstrates selective and price-sensitive Chinese interest. Large available inventory of 0.30 to 0.40 ct. exerts price pressure. Steady interest in 1 ct., G-J, VS-SI. Some suppliers closing overseas offices to cut costs and improve profit margins.
India: Market improving, with noted presence of Chinese and Israeli dealers looking for goods. SI3-I1 clarities moving better. Buyers pushing for higher discounts and prepared to wait for the right price. Manufacturers operating at reduced capacity, and rough trading restrained ahead of De Beers sight. Local jewelry market stable during ongoing wedding season.
Hong Kong: Positive sentiment amid stable polished trading. Last week’s show didn’t stimulate significant market improvement. Jewelers looking for inventory ahead of Chinese New Year season. Good demand for 1 ct., D-J, VS-SI (3X, no-fluorescence). Some concern of slowdown due to weaker currency and impact of trade war.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
Rapaport Weekly Market Comment
Dealers and jewelers optimistic for last-minute holiday sales. Multi-channel digital and experiential retail are key themes this season, with rising number of pop-up stores and webrooms. Trade shifting east, with improving Chinese New Year demand. Some caution for 2019 as US-China trade war, volatile stock market and higher interest rates could impact consumer sentiment. Prices of 0.30 ct. diamonds pressured by high inventory (+160% vs. Dec. 2017 on RapNet). De Beers raises 2018 production to 35M/36M cts., despite lower sales volume. Rough prices stable during sight week. Alrosa Nov. sales -18% to $274M. Shane Durgin replaces Patrick Evans as CEO of Dominion Diamond Mines.
Fancies: Fancy-shape market stable, driven by US and European demand for fashion jewelry. Ovals and Cushions are best sellers, followed by Emeralds and Pears. Supply shortage supporting prices for Pears. Radiants improving. Marquises and Princesses weak. Oversizes selling well. Steady demand for fine-quality 6 to 10 ct. Ovals, Pears and Emeralds, with prices firming for 3 to 5 ct. due to shortages. Chinese consumers seeking fancy shapes at better prices. US supporting market for commercial-quality, medium-priced fancies under 1 ct. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and hard to sell, even at very deep discounts.
United States: Steady trading, driven by last-minute holiday orders. Dealers focused on short-term memo, with a lot of goods in retail stores. Melee market stable with slightly better demand than last month, but prices well below levels seen earlier in the year. Ovals remain strongest fancy shape. New York retail busy, fueling optimism for rest of the holiday season.
Belgium: Positive mood ahead of the Christmas break. Steady local demand, but orders are very specific as jewelers avoid holding large inventory. Buyers demanding shorter delivery time from suppliers. Fancy color diamonds slow, with top qualities holding value. Rough trading quiet during De Beers sight week.
Israel: Suppliers focused on filling US orders. Prices firm, supported by relatively low availability of better-quality goods. 0.30 to 0.69 ct. remains slow, while demand for 0.70 ct. and larger diamonds is stable. Concern about tightening profit margins for large stones. Good season for dealers selling to consumers through online channels such as Blue Nile and James Allen.
India: Cautious sentiment as trading slows ahead of the Christmas break. Fewer foreign buyers in the market. Demand concentrated on SI-I1 goods. Rough market restrained as manufacturers are holding large polished inventory, particularly lower-value goods. Small diamond and jewelry businesses under stress due to weaker rupee, tight credit and low profit margins.
Hong Kong: Improvement in both retail and wholesale markets driven by Christmas and Chinese New Year demand. Steady interest in 1 ct., D-J, VS-SI, 3X goods. Improving sales of 2 ct., G-J, VS-I1. Parcels slower as jewelry manufacturers have enough stock for the season. Tourist spending weaker as Chinese consumers shift focus to mainland spending.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
Rapaport Weekly Market Comment
Dec 20, 2018 10:59 AM
Positive sentiment in final sales-week before Christmas. Fashion jewelry for self-empowered women driving growth. Polished trading quiet as US and Belgium firms close for holidays. Dealers hoping strong US shopping will stimulate wholesale demand in the first quarter. Chinese jewelers preparing for Feb. 5 Lunar New Year. Indian manufacturers cautious, with factories below capacity after India’s Nov. rough imports -52% to $929M. Rough market quiet, despite relatively large $540M Dec. sight. De Beers 2018 rough sales estimated +2% to $5.4B. Dominion recovers 553 ct. yellow diamond at Diavik mine. Chow Tai Fook joins Tracr blockchain program. Rapaport wishes everyone happy holidays.
Fancies: Fancy-shape market stable, driven by US and European demand for fashion jewelry. Ovals and Cushions are best sellers, followed by Emeralds and Pears. Supply shortage supporting prices for Pears. Radiants improving. Marquises and Princesses weak. Oversizes selling well. Steady demand for fine-quality 6 to 10 ct. Ovals, Pears and Emeralds, with prices firming for 3 to 5 ct. due to shortages. Chinese consumers seeking fancy shapes at better prices. US supporting market for commercial-quality, medium-priced fancies under 1 ct. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and hard to sell, even at very deep discounts.
United States: Crunch time for retail as jewelers hope for last-minute Christmas rush. Mixed results so far, but overall sentiment positive. Consumers optimistic that 2019 tax cuts will raise disposable income, but Fed interest-rate hikes may slow growth. Jewelers competing with promotional discounting by mall-based department stores. Dealers waiting for sales results from memo supply.
Belgium: Trading starting to slow before bourses close for two weeks over Christmas and New Year’s. Some last-minute holiday sales. Dealers focused on trading rather than supplying European and US jewelers. Commercial goods moving, high-end D-F, IF-VVS slow. Rough market quiet ahead of vacation period.
Israel: Sluggish polished trading, with dealers waiting for US sales results to assess the season. A lot of goods out on memo. Focus shifting to Chinese New Year. Steady demand for 1 ct., G-H, VS-SI, RapSpec A3+ diamonds. Large inventory of 0.30 ct. goods available compared to same time last year. Less demand for sizes up to 8-grainer rough.
India: Cautious sentiment amid rumors of further bankruptcies and job cuts among manufacturers. Polished production well below capacity, with some small- and medium-size factories still closed since Diwali. Stable rough demand from sightholders at last week’s De Beers sight. Shortage of better-quality SIs expected, as new production will only be available in mid-first quarter. Steady consumer interest during wedding season.
Hong Kong: Polished trading slow as Christmas approaches. Dealers shifting to lower colors and clarities, with good demand for 1 ct., H-M, SI1-I1 diamonds. Deeper discounts for VVS goods. Jewelers optimistic for sales during Chinese New Year shopping season. Retail in mainland China improving as weaker yuan currency influences consumers to spend in domestic market rather than abroad.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
Rapaport Weekly Market Comment
Dec 27, 2018 10:59 AM
US consumer confidence positive, despite volatile stock markets, government shutdown, and rising interest rates. Holiday jewelry sales +3.7% and overall retail +5.1%, driven by effective omni-channel strategies, according to Mastercard SpendingPulse. Online shopping surges 19% as Amazon sees record season. Diamond market quiet, with Belgium and US dealers closed for the holidays. Industry consolidation accelerates as Eurostar enters administration, Alrosa set to acquire Kristall, and Niru Group incorporates EZ Diamonds’ business for goods below 0.70 ct. US Oct. polished imports +28% to $2.3B. The Rapaport Group wishes everyone a happy, healthy, prosperous and peaceful New Year.
Fancies: Fancy-shape market stable, driven by US and European demand for fashion jewelry. Ovals and Cushions are best sellers, followed by Emeralds and Pears. Supply shortage supporting prices for Pears. Radiants improving. Marquises and Princesses weak. Oversizes selling well. Steady demand for fine-quality 6 to 10 ct. Ovals, Pears and Emeralds, with prices firming for 3 to 5 ct. due to shortages. Chinese consumers seeking fancy shapes at better prices. US supporting market for commercial-quality, medium-priced fancies under 1 ct. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and hard to sell, even at very deep discounts.
United States: Wholesale trading quiet. Most business closed between Christmas and New Year. Focus on retail, with steady last-minute Christmas shopping. Studs, pendants, eternity bands strong sellers. A lot of goods out on memo.
Belgium: Polished and rough trading very quiet, with dealers on vacation during the Christmas to New Year period. Antwerp bourses closed until January 7.
Israel: Suppliers relatively satisfied with the season. Dealers waiting for memo returns to assess inventory needs. Focus now on Valentine’s Day and Far East demand for the Chinese New Year. Businesses preparing to meet new tax requirements.
India: Polished market slow, with very few foreign buyers in Mumbai. Shortage of select in-demand items supporting prices.Good demand for 1 ct., G-J, SI1-I1, RapSpec A3+ diamonds.Trading confidence improving as exchange rate stabilizes around INR 70/$1. Rough market seasonally quiet, with factories maintaining steady below-capacity production until the New Year.
Hong Kong: Wholesale activity down slightly during Christmas holiday. Dealers focused on filling Chinese New Year demand, but large retailers have already completed their inventory purchases.Retail relatively busy, with steady tourist arrivals reported over Christmas week. Yuan depreciation and US-China trade war still a concern for luxury retailers.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
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