India Hikes Taxes on Diamond Imports
Feb 4, 2018
RAPAPORT... The Indian government has increased import taxes on polished diamonds to 5%, prompting criticism from the Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC).
The levy applies to cut and polished diamonds, both natural and laboratory-grown, and to colored gemstones, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said in a budget speech Thursday. The new rate — up from 2.5% — is one of several changes to customs-duty rates aimed at protecting local industry. Jaitley also raised import taxes on imitation jewelry to 20% from 15%.
However, the decision damages the nation’s ability to compete with other diamond-trading hubs such as Belgium, Dubai and Israel, GJEPC chairman Pramod Agarwal said in a statement the same day.
“We are disappointed with the increase in customs duty…as it was not included as part of the industry’s recommendations to the government,” he noted. “This move hampers India’s chances of becoming an international diamond-trading hub.”
Even so, Agarwal welcomed the government’s efforts to develop India’s gold industry, and said the GJEPC would seek a reduction in import duty on gold, silver and other precious metals. Meanwhile, the decision to lower corporate tax for companies with annual revenue above $38.9 million (INR 2.5 billion) will benefit the gem and jewelry trade, he noted.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
Rapaport Weekly Market Comment
Feb 8, 2018 11:00 AM
Positive sentiment, with rising expectations for the Chinese New Year retail season. Busy trading at Israel’s International Diamond Week, with momentum expected to continue through the Hong Kong show (Feb. 27). US retailers restocking and hoping for positive Valentine’s Day sales, despite recent drop in equity markets. Polished prices firm, with 1 ct. RAPI +2.2% in Jan. Manufacturers concerned about rising rough prices cutting their profits. Titan Company 3Q sales +7% to $670M, profit +21% to $44M. Rio Tinto 2017 diamond revenue +15% to $706M, earnings +96% to $92M. Gem Diamonds 2017 sales +12% to $207M. Belgium 2017 polished exports -3% to $11.4B, rough imports -11% to $10.7B.
Fancies: Fancy shapes mixed, with curves better than squares. Ovals hot, followed by Pears and Cushions. Emeralds and Radiants OK, Princesses still weak. Oversizes selling well. Steady demand for fine-quality 6 to 10 ct. Ovals, Pears and Emeralds, with limited supply. US supporting market for commercial-quality, medium-priced fancies under 1 ct. Far East demand improving as consumers seek fancy shapes at better prices. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and hard to sell, even at very deep discounts.
United States: Steady New York trading, but dealers finding it difficult to replace sold inventory at current prices. Shortages in select categories influencing rise in manufacturing, despite concerns about higher rough prices. Good demand for RapSpec A2+ SIs (3X, no-fluorescence). Jewelry retail slightly slow in January, with some caution after recent stock-market slump. Focus on engagement rings, with Valentine’s Day promotions.
Belgium: Positive sentiment. Good European demand for HRD-graded diamonds. Steady dealer trading, with Israeli and Indian buyers in Antwerp looking for goods. Far East demand slower as Hong Kong wholesalers closed for the Chinese New Year. Good demand for 1 ct., F-G, VS diamonds. Rough trading stable, with strong premiums for De Beers and Alrosa goods on the dealer market.
Israel: Upbeat atmosphere during International Diamond Week. Good local trading, and strong Indian, US and Chinese buyer presence. Polished prices firm, supported by shortages of RapSpec A2+ diamonds. Good demand for 1 ct., G-J, VS-SI (3X, no-fluorescence) diamonds. Bourse pushing tech innovation to advance the country’s position in the global diamond trade.
India: Suppliers gaining confidence ahead of important Hong Kong show. Manufacturers raising polished production as they prepare inventory for the fair and in anticipation of good post-holiday US and Chinese demand. Steady demand for 1 ct., I-L, SI diamonds. Increase in import duty on polished diamonds to 5% will hurt the recutting sector. Steady jewelry-sales growth for large, established brands.
Hong Kong: Wholesale market quiet as dealers take vacation for Chinese New Year. Good demand for 1 to 2 ct., D-J, VS-SI, RapSpec A2 diamonds. Focus shifts to retail, with jewelers optimistic for growth during the important selling season that began this week. Online retailers gaining market share, but at tight profit margins. Dealers preparing for upcoming exhibition.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
Nám sa môže iba snívať o takej podpore štátu.🙄 👿
Izrael dáva $ 284 mil
RAPAPORT ... Izraelská vláda prisľúbila 284 miliónov dolárov (1 miliardu NIS) na zabezpečenie bankových úverov diamantovým spoločnostiam v úsilí zmierniť vážne úverové ťažkosti obchodu.
Nedostatok úverov nie je potlačujúci na rast, najmä medzi menšími firmami, ktoré tvoria približne 70% izraelského obchodu, podľa osobitného výboru zriadeného na vyšetrenie problémov tohto odvetvia.
Tím, vedený Naama Kaufman-Passovou, zástupkyňou generálneho riaditeľa národného ministerstva hospodárstva a priemyslu, zverejnil svoje zistenia začiatkom tohto mesiaca a zdôraznil niekoľko spôsobov, ako tento priemysel postihla kríza.
Vnímanie sektora diamantov zo strany bánk ako vysoko rizikového spôsobilo pokles celkových úverov pre izraelský obchod z 2,5 miliardy dolárov v roku 2008 na približne 1 miliardu dolárov minulý rok, uviedol vo svojej správe výbor. Finančné inštitúcie tiež odmietajú prijať inventár predajcov ako zábezpeku, zatiaľ čo konkurencia z Indie a Belgicka spôsobila ďalšiu škodu na pozíciu na trhu Izraela.
Za týmto účelom bude štátny fond podporovať pôžičky spoločnostiam, čo znamená, že v prípade, že nesplácajú úver banke, štát zaplatí. Zatiaľ čo výbor predložil návrh ministrovi priemyslu a hospodárstva Eliovi Cohenovi ako odporučeniu, zákonodarca uviedol, že vláda bude pokračovať v programe.
"Rozhodli sme sa, že v priebehu nasledujúcich piatich rokov budeme poskytovať ďalšiu miliardu šeklov v sektore diamantov prostredníctvom úverových záruk," povedal Cohen minulý týždeň na konferencii Medzinárodného týždňa diamantov v Izraeli.
Navyše výbor navrhol, aby vláda poskytla peniaze na novo spustené inovačné laboratórium burzy, aby zarobila hotovosť, aby priniesla viac do Izraela kupujúcich diamantov, podporila snahy o rozvoj príležitostí pre elektronický obchod a prispievala k ďalším projektom na podporu tohto odvetvia.
"Výbor určil hlavné problémy v činnostiach malých podnikov v tomto odvetví a odporúčania ponúkajú komplexnú odpoveď na potreby," povedal Kaufman-Pass.
Obchod s diamantmi je dôležitým segmentom izraelskej ekonomiky, ktorá predstavuje približne 13% celkového vývozu a zamestnáva približne 9 500 ľudí. Globálna finančná kríza v roku 2008 však viedla k poklesu exportu polotovarov zo strany Izraela o 27% medzi tým istým rokom a 2016, k čomu došlo v roku 2015 aj k poklesu na čínskeho trhu.
"Vykonávanie záverov výboru spolu s ďalšími krokmi je nevyhnutné vzhľadom na krízu, ktorú odvetvie prekonalo," dodal Cohen vo vyhlásení. "Ich cieľom je poskytnúť nové nástroje, ktoré by pomohli zvládnuť výzvy v obchode a uľahčiť reguláciu, čím by sa zvýšila produkcia aj vývoz." Generálny riaditeľ Ministerstva hospodárstva a priemyslu Šej Rinský zriadil výbor v septembri kde skúmal otázky úverov a rastu v obchode s diamantmi ako presmerovať priemysel ku väčšej prosperite.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
Rapaport Weekly Market Comment
Feb 15, 2018
Polished prices firm, supported by shortage of select fine-cut (3X, no-fluorescence) diamonds. Trading slow as Chinese buyers take vacation during the Lunar New Year. Dealers hoping strong festival jewelry sales will boost diamond demand at Hong Kong show (Feb. 27-Mar. 3). US stable. Rough market busy as cutters raise polished production. Alrosa Jan. sales $499M. Small miners see higher prices at rough tenders. Asian Star 3Q diamond sales +45% to $145M. Israel pledges $284M to guarantee industry bank loans. Israel 2017 polished exports -4% to $4.5B, rough imports -12% to $2.9B. The Rapaport Group wishes all our friends a happy and successful Year of the Dog.
Fancies: Fancy shapes mixed, with curves better than squares. Ovals hot, followed by Pears and Cushions. Emeralds and Radiants fair, Princesses still weak. Oversizes selling well. Steady demand for fine-quality 6 to 10 ct. Ovals, Pears and Emeralds, with limited supply. US supporting market for commercial-quality, medium-priced fancies under 1 ct. Far East demand improving as consumers seek fancy shapes at better prices. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and hard to sell, even at very deep discounts.
United States: Market sentiment positive. Dealers doing business at higher prices than at the beginning of the year. Steady demand for 1 ct., G-J, VS-SI, RapSpec A3+ goods. Some shortages of fine-cut RapSpec A2+ diamonds. Pears and Ovals the strongest fancy shapes. Strong online jewelry promotions for Valentine’s Day.
Belgium: Busy trading, with dealers optimistic for 2018. Firm prices, supported by shortages of RapSpec A2 (3X, no-fluorescence) goods. 3 ct.+ collection diamonds also in short supply. Steady demand for 0.30 to 0.50 ct., D-H, VS-SI diamonds. Indian dealers looking for lower-cost goods. Rough market stable during Alrosa contract sale.
Israel: Positive atmosphere after busy Diamond Week earlier in Feb. Dealers hoping good trading momentum will continue through Hong Kong show. Dealers buying less than they’ve sold, in order to reduce inventory and due to high replacement costs. Good demand for 1 ct., G-J, VS-SI (3X, no-fluorescence) diamonds. Rough trading stable, with strong bidding for specials at auctions.
India: Steady activity as dealers prepare for Hong Kong show. Fewer foreign buyers in Mumbai, with Hong Kong dealers on vacation during Chinese New Year. Solid US demand for commercial-quality diamonds. Manufacturers raising polished production in anticipation of post-holiday orders. Rough market busy, but concerns rising about high price levels.
Hong Kong: Dealer trading slow with wholesale market shut for Chinese New Year. Ongoing optimism for China and Hong Kong jewelry sales. Retail down from pre-holiday activity, as local consumers focus on family rather than shopping. Steady Chinese tourist traffic. Rising expectations for Hong Kong show.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
RAPAPORT... Alrosa’s sales surged 38% to $504.5 million in January, as a strong holiday season boosted market sentiment.
“We have seen good demand for the whole assortment of our diamond products,” Yury Okoemov, deputy CEO of Alrosa, said Monday. “[Demand wa supported by positive trends in the major sales markets, backed by good retail sales results in 2017, including the Christmas season, and growing polished-diamond prices in January.”
Rough sales jumped 39% year on year to $499 million for the month, while polished revenue dropped 24% to $5.5 million.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
Rapaport Weekly Market Comment
High expectations for next week’s Hong Kong show as dealers maintain firm prices for RapSpec A2+ diamonds, and jewelry sales improve during Chinese New Year. Indian market cautious, with banks expected to tighten lending amid $1.8B fraud claim against Nirav Modi and Gitanjali. Rough trading steady as cutters increase production to fill polished shortages. De Beers 2017 earnings -21% to $528M, revenue -4% to $5.8B, plans to raise 2018 production to 34M-36M cts. Lucara 2017 sales -25% to $221M, profit -8% to $65M. Petra 1H revenue -1% to $225M, loss of $118M vs. profit of $35M. US 2017 polished imports -6% to $21.6B, exports -4% to $18B. Reuven Kaufman reelected NY DDC president.
Fancies: Fancy shapes mixed, with curves better than squares. Ovals hot, followed by Pears and Cushions. Emeralds and Radiants fair, Princesses still weak. Oversizes selling well. Steady demand for fine-quality 6 to 10 ct. Ovals, Pears and Emeralds, with limited supply. US supporting market for commercial-quality, medium-priced fancies under 1 ct. Far East demand improving as consumers seek fancy shapes at better prices. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and hard to sell, even at very deep discounts.
United States: Positive sentiment and firm prices. Shortage of fine-quality (3X, no-fluorescence) VS-SI goods. Excess supply of lower-quality stones with center inclusions. Steady demand for 0.30 to 2 ct., G-J, VS2-SI2 diamonds. Fewer goods being sent on memo, with dealers holding on to stock for the Hong Kong show. Jewelry retail market stable over Valentine’s Day.
Belgium: Dealers optimistic after good start to the year. Focus on filling US and European orders. Asia quiet during Chinese New Year vacation. 0.30 to 1 ct., G-J, VS-SI diamonds selling well. 3 ct., G-H, VS, 3X also doing nicely. Marquise the strongest fancy shape. Rough trading stable ahead of next week’s De Beers sight.
Israel: Polished trading slower as dealers wait for Hong Kong show. High expectations for the fair, with 80 Israeli companies exhibiting. Suppliers holding prices firm. Strong interest in 0.30 to 1 ct., G-J, VS-SI, RapSpec A2+ diamonds. Good demand at big-stone rough auctions.
India: Cautious mood following major bank fraud claim against Nirav Modi and Gitanjali Gems. Domestic demand relatively weak at recent IIJS Signature show. Diamond dealers focused on US and China. Manufacturers raising production, with shift from smaller sizes to pointers. Rough market stable ahead of De Beers Feb. sight.
Hong Kong: Trading slow as dealers return from Chinese New Year vacation. Suppliers report positive holiday orders and expect further boost from the show. Steady market for 1 ct., G-H, VS-SI, RapSpec A2+ diamonds. Larger stones above 3 ct. also selling well. Strong jewelry retail sales during Chinese New Year, according to government data.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
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