Moderátoři: smith, Koniáš


Příspěvky: 10 715

26. 7. 2007

12. 7. 2008, 19:17


... Som tu deň a noc ...
Historické pohľadnice, dobové dokumenty a predmety z mesta Sereď

Profilový obrázek

Příspěvky: 22 594

23. 10. 2006

13. 7. 2008, 21:02

:shock: Nooo jano čeče Ty sa nezdáš.😆

Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.


Příspěvky: 2 748

12. 10. 2007

14. 7. 2008, 07:37

Profilový obrázek

Příspěvky: 22 594

23. 10. 2006

14. 7. 2008, 16:05

Michaela nič,prehľad chodí každý týždeň tak to presuniem v originálnom znení sem a nikdo nemôže pripomienkovať,že si čísla vymýšľam.😉

Pokiaľ čírov náhodou to zaujíma aj niekoho iného mimo mňa,ale časom kto vie ,človek nikdy nevie či nenavštevujú tento veb. aj ľudia od šperkov a pre laickú verejnosť je možnosť porovnať v akých objemoch prebehnú vo svete za týždeň diamanty.

Upozorňujem to je cca 60-70% max.

Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

Profilový obrázek

Příspěvky: 22 594

23. 10. 2006

18. 7. 2008, 13:13

Rapaport TradeWire - Friday, July 18, 2008

News: U.S. activity weak except for high-end diamonds and jewelry.
Foreign cutting centers seasonally slow with demand for select D-F
goods. Indian rough trade improves as cutter strike ends. DTC rough
price increase has not pushed up polished prices. U.S. June wholesale
inflation +9% to break 27 year record. Department store sales -1% to
$17 bil. U.S. May polished imports at record o $2.3 bil. (+23%) and
polished exports $1.3 bil. (+53%). India June polished exports $1.2
bil. (+28%), polished imports $649 bil. (+82%) rough imports to $1.3
bil. (+32%), rough exports $96 mil. (+105%). Russia 1Q rough exports
$415 mil. Tiffany loses trademark suit against eBay. Wal-Mart sourcing
responsible gold and silver from Rio Tinto, Newmont and others. Rio
Tinto 1H08 diamond production 9.6 mil. cts (-30%). Trans Hex tender
nets $17 mil. for 11,823 cts. with a 27ct stone selling for
$50,000p/ct. Richemont SA 1Q sales +13% to $2.3 bil. led by growth in
Europe (+16%) and Asia Pacific (+21%).



Rapaport will be exhibiting at the following shows:

JA New York July 27-30;
India Int’l Jewellery Show Aug. 7-11;
Singapore, Aug. 21-24; London, Aug. 31 to Sept.3

To view all events and details

Rapaport International Diamond Conference
Sept. 8, 2008, New York, Waldorf Astoria Hotel
“2010, The Next Decade - Preparing For The Future”

Register via email: conference@Diamonds.Net



"While sales posted a moderate increase this week, sales were led by
spending at grocery stores, drug stores and discounters, while
electronics, jewelry and furniture stores were softer."

---Michael Niemira, chief economist
International Council of Shopping Centers



---U.S. Wholesale Price Inflation +9%, Dpt. Store Sales -1%

Wholesale prices in the United States rose 9.2 percent in June 2008
from one year ago. The increase was the largest annual rate since

  1. Gasoline and food prices have been skyrocketing and rose nearly
    2 percent during the four-weeks of June. Department store sales fell
    1.3 percent in June to $17.153 billion, according to U.S. Commerce
    Department data. Estimated sales for six months ending June 30 fell 3
    percent to $91.791 billion.

---Italy: Jewelry Exports Drop in 1Q08

Italys jewelry exports fell during the first quarter, but two
industry groups differ on the size of the drop. FEDERORAFI,
representing goldsmiths, estimated the drop was 10 percent.
Federazione Italiana Dell Accessorio Moda e Persona (FIAMP) reported
that jewelry exports fell 2.7 percent. Both groups agreed that jewelry
sector suffered from an economic slowdown in the United States, Japan,
and Europe.

---Chinas GDP +10% in 1H08

Preliminary estimates reveal that Chinas gross domestic product (GDP)
in the first half of 2008 reached 13.062 trillion yuan ($1.9
trillion,) an annual increase of 10.4 percent (adjusted for inflation)
despite suffering through multiple natural disasters. Domestic sales
increased fast in both urban and rural markets. The total retail sales
of consumer goods rose 21.4 percent to 5.104 trillion yuan, with the
rate of growth in June clocking-in at 23 percent. Sales across
wholesale and retail businesses rose 21.3 percent. In the first half
of 2008, the consumer price index rose 7.9 percent (up 7.1 percent in
June.) Prices rose 7.6 percent in urban areas and 8.6 percent in rural

---View List of Reported Missing Diamonds

If any of the descriptions in the following link match a diamond
youve come across recently, please click the lab and grading report
number for an image of the report that provides further identifying
details. In the event you find a match and are in possession of one of
these diamonds the owners ask that you contact bourse authorities
immediately and report the diamond as stolen.

---Rapaport News Broadcast

(Our broadcast is now displayed as a flash file which should close the
issue some had with viewing a Windows media file.) This week,
consumers feel the heat from inflation as a number of polls in the
United States show confidence in the economy has dropped to levels not
seen since the early 1980s. Intellectual property attorney Chris
Glancy of White & Case LLP analyses the outcome of Tiffany & Co.s
trademark case against eBay. Rio Tintos diamond production drop comes
on the heals of a similar drop in production from BHP.



---USA May Imports/Exports (YTD= year to date)

              May 08  %Chng  YTD 08  %Chng
              ($Mil)    ‘07  ($Mil)    ‘07

Polished Imports $2,311 23% $8,736 17%
Polished Exports $1,267 53% $5,919 42%
Net Polished $1,044 -1% $2,817 -15%

Rough Imports $88 16% $355 0%
Rough Exports $46 109% $190 -11%
Net Rough $42 -22% $165 18%

Diamond Account $1,086 -2% $2,982 -14%

---India June Imports/Exports (YTD= year to date)

             June 08  %Chng  YTD 08  %Chng
              ($Mil)    ‘07  ($Mil)    ‘07

Polished Export $1,214 28% $7,868 32%
Polished Imports $649 82% $3,571 154%
Net Polished $565 -4% $4,297 -6%

Rough Imports $1,258 32% $5,707 18%
Rough Exports $96 107% $426 39%
Net Rough $1,163 29% $5,281 17%

Diamond Account ($597) -91% ($984) N/A

---Russias 1Q08 Rough Exports at $415M

Russia exported almost 6.65 million carats of diamonds worth more than
$414.8 million in the first three months of 2008. It was the first
time the Finance Ministry provided the statistics. Russia imported
about 65,500 carats of diamonds to a total amount of about $10.2

Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

Profilový obrázek

Příspěvky: 22 594

23. 10. 2006

18. 7. 2008, 14:14


Diamanty vznikly z uhlíku, který byl uložen hluboko pod zemí za velké teploty a tlaku. Staly se populární pro svoji tvrdost. Lehce se neroztříští ani nepraskají ani neodštěpují, ale můžou být přitom řezány jedním úderem. Indie začala těžit diamanty na výrobu šperků před více než tisíci lety, ale později byly nalezeny i v jiných místech. Dnes je vyrobeno 90% šperků z diamantů těžených v Afrických zemích. Zbytek je těžen v Austrálii, Jižní Americe, Kanadě a Rusku.

Kromě bílých, se vyskytují diamanty i v duhových barvách. Můžou být barevné jako kterýkoli jiný drahokam. Výskyt jiných odstínů je způsoben přítomností jiných prvků mimo uhlíku. Typ ovlivní barvu. Nejpopulárnější jsou růžové a modré diamanty, které se prodávají za vyšší cenu než kterýkoli jiný drahokam. Červený, zelený a fialový odstín je vzácný.

Diamanty jsou nejoblíbenější kameny pro zásnubní prsteny. Tradice začala když rakouský arcivévoda Maximilián věnoval první zásnubní prsten Marii Burgundské v roce 1477. Nyní se těží více než 250 tun zeminy v poměru k jednomu nalezenému karátu dobré kvality. I když jsou ve špercích používané náhražky místo pravých diamantů jako populární zirkon pro nízkou cenu, vynikající moissanity pro vlastnosti pravého diamantu nebo bílý safír, pravé diamanty jsou stále nejžádanější. Diamantové šperky a prsteny budou navždy nejoblíbenějšími klenoty.

Existují tzv. 4 C, kterým je třeba věnovat pozornost při výběru nezasazeného diamantu; carats (Karáty), clarity (Čistota), color (Barva) a cut (Brus). Pokud se před koupí diamantu poučíte o 4 C, dostanete za své peníze více. Jestliže nemáte peněz nazbyt, je důležité zvolit C které je pro vás nejdůležitější. Potom bude lehčí volba vzhledem k vašim prioritám rozhodnout se jestli chcete raději větší diamant s menším jasem, anebo menší s větším třpytem.

Stručně řečeno:
Karáty - udávají váhu diamantu.
Čistota Diamantu - měří se množství nečistoty (ta omezuje světlo procházející skrze diamant, čímž snižuje lesk a jas).
Barva Diamantu - hodnotí se bělost nezasazených diamantů (čím žlutější, tím méně hodnotný).
Brus Diamantu - měří se kvalita, nikoli tvar diamantů (jednoduše řečeno lepší brus má za výsledek zářivější diamant).

Všechny nezasazené diamanty se měří karátovou váhou. Většinou chtějí lidé co největší diamant. Z technické stránky, mají obvykle větší diamanty nižší kvalitu, například ztrácejí na jasu. Kvůli broušení neopracovaných diamantů do potřebných úhlů, aby měli co nejvíce třpytu, bývá hodně karátové váhy ztraceno.

Karát má 100 dílů a je roven 1/5 gramu.

Jelikož větší diamanty jsou vzácnější, jsou i cennější. Jeden karát je cennější než více menších diamantů o celkové váze jednoho karátu. Menší diamant na malé ruce vypadá přirozeně, ale na velké se ztrácí. Když se rozhodujete o velikosti karátů, myslete vedle svých finančních možností i na to, jak zvolený diamant vypadá.

"Clarity" (Čistota) se týká čistoty a ryzosti diamantu. Je velmi vzácné najít perfektní nezasazený diamant který je čistý bez jakýchkoli závad. Když kupujete diamantové šperky, hledejte čistý diamant. Nečistota může být velmi nepatrná - není vidět pouhým okem. Když hledáte čistotu, hledejte diamant od Flawless "Fl" (Bez chyby) po Very Slightly Included "VSI", toto jsou kameny vypadající čistě při pohledu pouhým okem. Používají se dvě stupnice čistoty:

1.) American Gem Society Laboratories (AGSL) AGSL stupnice je od 0 do 10, 0 je bez znečistění.

2.) Gemological Institute of America (GIA).
GIA stupnice hodnotí diamanty od Flawless do Imperfect (FL to I3).
GIA Stupnice Čistoty:

Flawless (FL) a Internally Flawless (IF) diamanty jsou bez chyby, není u nich vidět žádná přírodní nečistota pod 10 x zvětšením. Tyto diamanty jsou velmi vzácné.

Very Very Slightly Included (VVS1 a VVS2) diamanty s nečistotou, která je těžko viditelná pod 10 x zvětšením. Mají vynikající kvalitu. Nečistotu je velmi těžké spatřit a nalézá se jen ve spodní části nebo mají malou povrchní nečistotu, která může být odstraněna jemným leštěním.

Very Slightly Included (VS1 a VS2) diamanty s nečistotou, která je pouhým okem těžko viditelná. Jsou levnější než VVS1 a VVS2. Nečistota ve VS1 je těžko viditelná. Trochu viditelnější je ve VS2 diamantech.

Slightly Included (SI1 a SI2) mají nečistotu, která je viditelná pod 10x zvětšením a může být viděná i pouhým okem. Mají dobrou hodnotu, protože jejich brilance je vysoká a zároveň cena je dostupnější.

Imperfect (I1, I2 a I3) diamanty obsahující nečistotu viditelnou pod 10x zvětšením a lehce viditelnou pouhým okem. Tyto diamanty nemají tolik jiskry při pohledu pouhým okem.

Diamanty se vyskytují v rozdílných barvách od žluté do světle hnědé. Jiné barvy, jako růžová a černá nejsou zahrnuty do této stupnice. Favoritem stupnice barvy je "bez barvy" což je velká vzácnost. Stupnice barvy u diamantů je v písmenech od D do Z.
Stupnice Bílých Diamantů:
· D je bez barvy, velmi vzácný
· E je bez barvy s nepatrným odstínem viditelným expertem gemologem.
· F je bez barvy s nepatrně větším odstínem než E, stejně viditelný jenom expertem gemologem. · G-H je téměř bez barvy, ale má vysokou hodnotu.
· I-J je téměř bez barvy, ale barva je nepatrně vidět.
· K-Z diamanty které mají slabě až světle žlutou barvu.

Vysokou hodnotu mají stupně G-I, ale pokud hledáte zásnubní diamantový prsten, dobrý výběr je též D-H. Pokud jsou diamanty vystaveny UV světlu, vyzařují jemné barevné záření - fluorescenci. Jedná se o přírodní jev, který neovlivňuje diamant v normálním přírodním světle.

Diamanty se většinou objevují v určitém tvaru, (brusu):
obdélník, srdce, kosočtverec, ovál, hruška (slza), princess (čtverec), radiant, baguetty, kulatý a trojúhelník a jiné.

Nejpopulárnějším tvarem diamantu je kulatý briliant protože ho lidé považují za "ideální brus", který vytváří nejvíce brilance a jiskry v diamantu. Návrh tvaru brusu také dovoluje odstranit a schovat kazy a nedostatky. Nová technologie dělá nové tvary stejně brilantní, jako princess (čtvercový) brus a trojúhelníkový brus. Dnes již u diamantových šperků neexistuje nic jako "ideální brus".

Tvary diamantů jako srdce, trojúhelník, hruška (slza), kosočtverec, ovál, a princess (čtverec) jsou tvarované k maximálnímu dosažení karátové váhy. Neopracovaný diamant je broušen do takového tvaru, jehož výsledkem bude co nejmenší ztráta na váze.

Diamant tvaru Marquise (kosočtverce) a oválu by měl mít délku, která je přesně dvojnásobkem jeho šířky. Pokud je moc úzký nebo široký, ztrácí světlo a zdá se tmavý. Když jsou kvalita a brus dobré, diamanty vypadají skvěle v jakémkoli tvaru, který zvolíte.

Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

Profilový obrázek

Příspěvky: 22 594

23. 10. 2006

25. 7. 2008, 13:08

Rapaport TradeWire - Friday, July 25, 2008

NEWS: Global trading markets seasonally quiet with low expectations
for next week’s NY show and high expectations for next month’s Mumbai
show. De Beers first half 2008 sales +10% to $3.7 bil., profits -10%
to $316 mil., rough production -4% to 24.2 mil. cts. indicating higher
prices drove sale increase. De Beers opens two new Canadian mines and
expects to produce 2 mil cts. per year. U.S retailers under pressure
with Mervyns in financial distress. Charles & Colvard CEO Robert
Thomas resigns. Christie’s 1H08 jewelry and gem sales at +34% to $275
mil. overall sales +10% to $1.8 bil. BHP 4Q production -5% to 864,000
cts. with FY08 -4% to 3.349 mil. cts. U.S. Federal Trade Commission
refuses industry request to deny use of cultured diamond terminology.
U.S. Congress bans all gems from Myanmar (Burma) including from third
party countries.



Rapaport will be exhibiting at the following shows:

JA New York July 27-30;
IIJS (India Int’l Jewellery Show) Aug. 7-11;
Singapore, Aug. 21-24; London, Aug. 31 to Sept.3

To view all events and details

NOTICE: To register for IIJS directory and inventory

Rapaport International Diamond Conference
Sept. 8, 2008, New York, Waldorf Astoria Hotel
“2010, The Next Decade - Preparing For The Future”

Register via email: conference@Diamonds.Net



Preface: Angelia Moore pawned an heirloom ring, which was engraved
with her childrens names, to subsidize income after her husband broke
his neck. But upon claiming the ring eight months later, she learned
the ring, set with each childs birthstone, had been stolen from the
South Carolina pawnshop during a holdup.

"I believe in karma. After hearing the story, I wanted her to have
exactly what she lost. I ordered the ring with the names and set the
stones based on the months she needed. You can do little things for
people that impact them greatly. I just hope it makes her feel

---Robert Howle, owner, Howle & Howle Goldsmiths - Jewellers



---De Beers Earnings Summary

Half Year Comparisons:

                     1H08     1H07   %Chng.    1H06     1H05
                     $MIL     $MIL             $MIL     $MIL

Total sales $3,740 $3,402 10% $3,920 $3,900
DTC sales $3,300 $2,987 10% $3,250 $3,220
EBITDA $831 $632 31% $748 $736
Net earnings $316 $350 -10% $336 $339

Production (000cts) 24,226 25,274 -4% 24,700 23,700

Past Three Years Results:

                      2007      2006      2005        
                      $MIL      $MIL      $MIL

Total sales $6,836 $7,638 $7,958
DTC sales $5,920 $6,150 $6,539
EBITDA $1,216 $1,232 $1,403
Net earnings ($521) $730 $554

Production (000cts) 51,113 51,136 49,011

---De Beers to Open Snap Lake, Victor Diamond Mines

De Beers Canada will open the Snap Lake diamond mine July 25, and the
Victor diamond mine July 26. Snap Lake will become the first De Beers
mine outside of southern Africa, employ 560 people, and will have an
annual production rate of 1.4 million carats. Victor will employee 400
people during production and will have an annual production rate of
600,000 carats.

---China Calls Air Zimbabwe Report a Malicious Rumor

China refuted The Age newspaper report out of Australia that claimed
Air Zimbabwe used flights to transport diamonds, ivory, and gold to
Beijing in exchange for weapons. Chinas foreign ministry spokesman
Liu Jianchao called the statement a “malicious rumor."

---Brazil: Feds Seize Large Quantity of Illegal Gemstones

Federal police in Brazil seized 3.5 metric tons of undocumented
gemstones in Sao Paulo. Federal police seized goods on the Presidente
Dutra Highway and determined the precious stones were being taken to
Rio de Janeiro

---Use of Term Cultured Must be Clarified

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) denied the petition to amend its
Guides for the Jewelry, Precious Metals, and Pewter Industries in
reference to how the term "cultured" is used in describing man made
diamonds. Cultured may be used with clarifying terms such as
“laboratory created,” “laboratory grown” “[manufacturer-name]
created,” or “synthetic.”

---Pres. Signature is Next Step for Ban on Gems

Congress sent legislation to President George W. Bush that is meant to
block firms from importing gemstones from Myanmar through third party
countries. The bill, which originated in the House and passed the
Senate, also makes leaders, officers, and their families in Myanmar
(also called Burma) ineligible for visas to the United States.

---Rapaport News Broadcast

De Beers first-half 08 results are in -- chairman Nicky Oppenheimer
and managing director Gareth Penny discuss the outcome and what is in
store for the second half. Dorothee Gizenga, recently appointed
executive director of the Diamond Development Initiative (DDI,)
discusses the differences between corporate charity and corporate
partnerships with diamond-rich nations, and what the organization
hopes to achieve in the next five years.



---Jewelry Helps Spur Christie’s Sales in 1H08

Strong jewelry sales helped spur Christie’s International performance
in the first half of 2008 as total company sales rose 10 percent to
GBP 1.8 billion ($3.5 billion.) Jewelry, jadeite and watches sales
rose 34 percent to GBP 140 million ($275 million.) Asia and the Middle
East were the core growth regions for Christie’s where total sales
increased 81 percent.

---Japans 1H08 Jewelry Sales -2%

Same-store sales a Japans department stores during first half of 2008
fell 3 percent to JPY3.617 trillion ($33.9 billion.) Jewelry and
cosmetic sales fell 2.3 percent, sales of clothing fell 5 percent and
food sales rose 2 percent.

---Amazon 2Q08 Sales +41%, Net Income +103%

Amazon.coms net sales rose 41 percent to $4.063 billion in second
quarter, which ended June 30, 2008. The cost of sales rose 42 percent
to $3.096 billion. Net income rose 103 percent to $158 million. The
online retailer does not break out diamond and jewelry sales as a
category, but usually follows-up with a separate statement reflecting
how jewelry sales changed from one year earlier.

---Analyst Maintains Buy for Harry Winston, Lowers Target

Desjardins Securities lowered its target share price of Harry Winston
Diamond Corporation to $39 from $53.50, citing the company had become
more of a high-end retailer than a diamond mining company. The firm
maintained a "buy" rating for HWD on the New York Stock Exchange.
Analyst John Hughes re-evaluated how they calculated Harry Winston and
modeled earnings per share after Tiffany & Co., he wrote in a note to
clients. Shares have lost 36 percent from July 1, and have fallen 50
percent from one year ago.

---Thief Snatches Diamonds from Salesman Seated in a Theater

A diamond salesman from Los Angeles was seated in a Grapevine, Texas,
AMC movie theater when a Hispanic male of approximately 5 feet, 7
inches in height snatched the dealers backpack. It is estimated the
dealer lost between $800,000 and $900,000 in diamonds. The report
suggested the dealer was passing time at the theater before his flight
home from nearby DFW International Airport.

---Worker Union Seeks to Reconcile with LLD Diamonds

The National Union of Namibian Workers (NUNW) submitted a proposal to
reconcile differences between Lev Leviev Diamonds and 222 striking
workers the company recently dismissed. Under the proposal NUNW asked
for amnesty for the fired workers, make some commitments and
undertakings by the union to break the standoff while raising concern
to the LLD management about the issue of senior manager Mike
Nesongano, salary reduction, overtime payment, appraisal and
promotions, tariffs per carat and the strike and status of employees.

---Zalemark Calls-off Merger with Novori

In a newsletter to its business associate base, diamond jewelry
designer and manufacturer Zalemark Inc. reported that the proposed
merger with online retailer Novori Inc. was off. Management went on to
say that a proposal with another company, a "well-known and widely
traded Nasdaq jewelry company," was being reviewed this month.

---Prince Jewellery to Open in the South India

Prince Jewellery plans to set-up showrooms in Indias cities of Kochi,
Thiruvananthapuram, Bangalore, and Tiruchi. The jeweler would add a
new collection of platinum daily wear to its designer lines. The
company has three large stores in Chennai and manufacturing facilities
in both Chennai and Kerala.



---Thomas Resigns from Charles & Colvard

Charles & Colvard Ltd.’s CEO and board chairman Robert Thomas resigned
his posts. The company stated that Thomas has agreed "in principal to
serve as a consultant."

---Gary Ralfe Steps Down as De Beers Director

Former De Beers managing director Gary Ralfe stepped down from the
company’s board of directors ending a 34-year professional association
with the company. Ralfe served as managing director of De Beers Global
from 1998 to his retirement in February 2006.



---Fifth Antwerp Diamond Conference Set For Nov.

The Antwerp World Diamond Centre (AWDC) will host the Fifth Antwerp
Diamond Conference November 17-18, 2008.

---Macau to Host 2009 CIBJO Congress

The 2009 CIBJO Congress will be held March 1-4, 2009, in Macau.



---BHP Diamond Production Falls in 4Q

BHP Billiton Inc. reported a 5 percent drop in diamond production for
its fourth quarter ending June 30, 2008, to 864,000 carats. For the
fiscal year however, the production figure rose 4 percent to 3.349
million carats.

---De Beers Averts Strike With 12% Pay Rise

De Beers avoided a strike when the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM)
accepted its proposal for a 12 percent wage increase for workers in
South Africa. NUM had rejected De Beers’ previous proposal of an 11
percent and had demanded a 13.5 percent increase. Workers were set to
strike only hours before the agreement was reached.

---Gem Diamonds Plans Polished Production

Gem Diamonds is setting up two diamond manufacturing facilities and is
planning to start polishing stones from January 2009. Gem is currently
negotiating the purchase of state of the art equipment to install in
two cutting plants in Mauritius and Dubai.

---Anglo American Contemplating Involvement In Russia

Anglo American discussed the possibility of launching operations in
Russia with officials form the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources
and Ecology.

---DiamonEx Prepares for First Lerala Diamond Sale

DiamonEx will hold the first sale of diamonds recovered from its
Botswana-based Lerala mine at the end of August.

---African Diamonds, De Beers in Dispute at AK6

African Diamonds declared a dispute with De Beers over a shareholder
agreement in the AK6 diamond deposit. African Diamonds claimed De
Beers was delaying further development at the site.

De Beers stated, as majority shareholder, it remains fully committed
to AK6; all parties agreed on July 14th to apply for a retention
license since project economics and sustainability are impacted by
current and future (projected) power outages; and the attitude of
African Diamonds executives were of concern.

---Mozambique Awards Eight Diamond Prospecting Claims

Mozambique awarded eight contracts for diamond exploration. The
prospect area is said to be in and around the Save River valley in
Sofala. The government awarded the contracts after holding a contract
tender in March.

---Guinea Moves to Cancel Diamond Mining License

Guineas mines minister recommended cancelling diamond mining licenses
held by Aredor due to the lack of activity. The government accused the
company of reneging on promises made to various ministers and having
practically stopped all activities in the country.



For week ending July 24, 2008

                         Jul 24       Jul 17       Chng

$1 = Euro 0.638 0.63 0.007
$1 = Rupee 42.1 42.7 -0.6
$1 = Israel Shekel 3.48 3.38 0.1
$1 = Rand 7.69 7.57 0.12
$1 = Canadian Dollar 1.01 1.01 0.01

Precious Metals

                        Jul 24       Jul 17        Chng

Gold $927.30 $957.80 -$30.50
Platinum $1,702.00 $1,873.00 -$171.00

Stock Indexes

                         Jul 24       Jul 17       Chng     Chng%

BSE 14,777.01 13,111.85 1,665.16 12.70%
Dow Jones Avg. 11,349.28 11,446.66 -97.38 -0.85%
FTSE 5,362.30 5,286.30 76 1.44%
Hang Seng 23,087.72 21,734.72 1,353.00 6.23%
S & P 500 1,252.54 1,260.31 -7.77 -0.62%
Yahoo! Jewelry Index 869.54 890.52 -20.98 -2.36%

Abazias $0.52 $0.52 $0.00 0.00%
Birks & Mayors $2.50 $2.57 -$0.07 -2.66%
Blue Nile $39.80 $40.51 -$0.71 -1.75%
Charles & Colvard $0.86 $0.80 $0.06 7.50%
Collectors Universe $7.88 $7.98 -$0.10 -1.25%
DGSE Companies, Inc. $3.80 $3.00 $0.80 26.67%
Fuqi International $8.70 $9.35 -$0.65 -6.95%
JCPenney $30.88 $32.05 -$1.17 -3.65%
Kohls $42.61 $42.70 -$0.09 -0.21%
Lazare Kaplan $8.15 $8.40 -$0.25 -2.98%
LJ International $1.90 $1.99 -$0.09 -4.52%
Macys $18.31 $18.42 -$0.11 -0.60%
Man Sang $5.60 $5.86 -$0.26 -4.44%
Movado Group $21.34 $20.96 $0.38 1.81%
Nordstrom $29.14 $29.91 -$0.77 -2.57%
Saks $10.71 $10.48 $0.23 2.19%
Signet $10.35 $10.02 $0.33 3.29%
Sothebys $27.32 $26.43 $0.89 3.37%
Tiffany $38.70 $40.82 -$2.12 -5.19%
Wal-Mart $56.97 $57.68 -$0.71 -1.23%
Zale $21.13 $20.56 $0.57 2.77%

Bulgari € 6.60 € 6.21 € 0.39 6.28%
Citizen Holdings € 4.65 € 4.45 € 0.20 4.49%
Esa € 13.45 € 12.70 € 0.75 5.91%
Golay-Buchel CHF 2,380.00 CHF 2,480.00 -€ 100.00 -4.03%
LVMH € 70.05 € 64.69 € 5.36 8.29%
Pinault P-R SA € 70.10 € 63.75 € 6.35 9.96%
Richemont SA CHF 62.50 CHF 58.65 € 3.85 6.56%
Sakha Diamonds € 0.66 € 0.60 € 0.06 10.59%
Swatch Group CHF 250.25 CHF 239.10 € 11.15 4.66%
Theo Fennell (pence) 36.0 36.0 0.0 0.00%

Hang HKD 2.12 HKD 1.89 HKD 0.23 12.17%
King Fook HKD 0.77 HKD 0.76 HKD 0.01 1.32%
Noble Jewelry HKD 1.16 HKD 1.19 -HKD 0.03 -2.52%
Tse Sui Luen HKD 0.84 HKD 0.84 HKD 0.00 0.00%

INDIA (rupee)
Classic Diamond 41.65 38.25 3.40 8.89%
Gitanjali Gems 256.65 252.85 3.80 1.50%
Rajesh Exports 55.75 48.85 6.90 14.12%
Reliance 2306.55 2015.55 291.00 14.44%
Su-Raj Diamonds 67.85 63.95 3.90 6.10%
Titan 1097.20 1022.20 75.00 7.34%
Zodiac JRD 25.40 23.50 1.90 8.09%
Shantivijay Jewels 109.60 109.40 0.20 0.18%
Shukra Jewellery 3.35 3.33 0.02 0.60%
Suashish Diamonds 361.65 350.35 11.30 3.23%

Michael Hill NZD 0.78 NZD 0.75 NZD 0.03 4.00%

Gems TV Holdings SGD 0.140 SGD 0.125 SGD 0.015 12.00%
Sarin Technologies SGD 0.380 SGD 0.380 SGD 0.000 0.00%

(pence unless noted)

                         Jul 24       Jul 17       Chng     Chng%

Anglo American $26.35 $27.49 -$1.14 -4.15%

Archangel CAD 0.86 CAD 1.00 -CAD 0.14 -14.00%
Harry Winston CAD 19.60 CAD 20.62 -CAD 1.02 -4.95%
Mountain Province CAD 4.21 CAD 4.40 -CAD 0.19 -4.32%
Peregrine Diamonds CAD 0.20 CAD 0.20 CAD 0.00 0.00%
Rockwell Diamonds CAD 0.30 CAD 0.33 -CAD 0.03 -9.09%
Shore Gold CAD 1.61 CAD 2.05 -CAD 0.44 -21.46%
Stornoway Diamond CAD 0.28 CAD 0.35 -CAD 0.08 -21.43%
True North Gems CAD 0.31 CAD 0.31 CAD 0.00 0.00%

UK (pence)
African Diamonds 65.0 57.8 7.3 12.55%
BHP Billiton 1,540.0 1,630.0 -90.0 -5.52%
Firestone Diamonds 77.8 85.0 -7.2 -8.47%
Gem Diamonds 975.0 1,050.0 -75.0 -7.14%
Mano River 8.3 9.3 -1.0 -10.81%
Mwana Africa 32.0 32.5 -0.5 -1.54%
Namakwa Diamonds 139.0 144.5 -5.5 -3.81%
Petra Diamonds 99.7 101.5 -1.8 -1.78%
Rio Tinto plc 4,905.0 5,135.0 -230.0 -4.48%



---Polished: Local markets are very slow with little if any pick-up

-1 point: Very good demand: +$225 whites.

      Good demand: $150-$200 whites.
 Fair demand: $150-$350 TTLC.

-2 point: Good demand: +$300 whites.

      Fair demand: $250-$300 whites; 
      $125-$150 TTLB & $125-$400 TTLC.

2-7 point: Good demand: +$300 whites.

       Fair demand: $250-$300 whites; 
        $100-$150 TTLB & $125-$400 TTLC.

8-18 point: Good demand: +$550 whites.

        Fair demand: $150-$200 TTLB & $200-$450 TTLC. 

20 points: Good demand: +$650 whites.

  Fair demand: $200-$400 whites.

25 points: Good demand: +$700 whites.

       Fair demand: $200-$450 whites.

33 points: Good Demand: $1400-$1600 whites.

       Fair Demand: $150-$500 whites.

50 points: Good demand: +$2000 & $1000-$1,500 whites

       Fair demand: $700-$800 & $300-$500 whites.

75 points: Good demand: +$3,000 whites.

       Fair demand: $700-$900 whites.

1 carat+: Very good demand: +$5,000 whites.

      Good demand: $1,500-$4,500 whites.

Princess: -3 point: Fair demand: $200-$250 & $325-&375 whites.

      +3 point: Fair demand: $$250-$300 & $350-$400 whites.
      +9-18 point: Good demand: +14 pts $600-$650 whites
                   Fair demand: $225-$275 & $300-$400 whites.

      20 point: Fair demand: $350-$400 whites & $750-$800 whites.
      25 point: Fair demand: $350-$400 whites.
      50 point: Fair demand: $600-$1,000 whites.
      75 point: Fair demand: $1,200-$1,400 whites.
      1 carat+: Good demand: +$1,500 whites.

Marquise: -6 point: Very good demand: $400-$550 whites.

                Good demand: $250-$350 whites.
      +7-18 point: Very good demand: $500-$650 & +14-point $850-
                   $900 whites.
                   Good demand: $225-$300 & +14-point $300-$350
      20 point: Good demand: $675-$725 & $950-$1000 whites.
                Fair demand: $325-$375 whites.
      25 point: Good demand: $1,000-$1,100 whites.
                Fair demand: $400-$450 whites.
      33 point: Good demand: $1,200-$1,400 whites.
      50 point: Good demand: $1,600-$1,800 whites.
      75 point: Good demand: $1,100-$1,400 & $2,600-$3,000 whites.
      1 carat+: Very Good demand: +$1,200 whites.

Tapers & Baguettes:

      Good demand: $550-$800 +5mm whites. $225-$300
         2mm-2.5mm whites; $300-$350, 2.5mm-3mm whites;
         $350-$450 3mm-4mm, $500-$600 4mm –
         5mm & $175-$250 +2mm-3mm whites.

--- ROUGH: Even after sightholders reduced premiums activity remains

       slow.  In Surat (state of Gujarat) market is closed.

1-5 point: Very good movement: $80-$150 makeables; $100-$200 crystals.

       Good movement: $30-$75 makeables.
       Good movement: $50-$100 OW TTLB & TTLC;
       Fair movement: $5-$20 OW TTLB & TTLC.

6-20 point: Good demand: $150-225 crystals; $130-$180 makeables.

        Fair demand: $40-$140 makeables; $60-$80 clivage;
        $50-$100 makeables; Very good movement $80-$180;
        Fair demand $60-$120 fancy shapes;
        $70-$120 OW TTLC & TTLB rounds.

21-50 point: Good demand: $235-300 makeables; $170-$360 crystals.

         Fair demand: $110-$220 rounds; $100-$150 crystals; $70-
         $130 clivage; Very good movement $150-$230 and
         Fair demand $75-$100 fancy shapes; Good demand $70-$150 &
         Fair demand $20-$50 OW TTLC & TTLB.

0.51-1.00 carat: Good demand: $80-$125 & $150-$350 makeables;

             $125-$250 & $300-$500 crystals.
             Fair demand: $70-$100 clivage; Very good demand $225-
             $325 and Fair demand $70-$125 fancy shapes;
             Good demand $140-$180 & Fair demand $90-$125 OW TTLC &

1.01-2.00 carat: Fair demand: $225-$650 rounds; $225-$800 crystals;

             $125-$170 clivage; $200-$400 all fancy shapes.
             Good demand $170-$225 OW TTLC & TTLB.

2.01-3.00 carat: Good demand: $225-$1,500 makeables; $500-$1,000 OW

             TTLC & TTLB & $350-$1,700 crystals.
             Fair demand: $300-$400 clivage; $125-$400 flats &
             $500-$1,000 fancy shapes.

5.00 carat+: Very good demand: $1,200+ makeables, crystals & all fancy

         shapes till L color.

Mixed Lot: Good demand: $2-$50.

Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

Profilový obrázek

Příspěvky: 22 594

23. 10. 2006

1. 8. 2008, 14:08

Rapaport TradeWire - Friday, August 1, 2008

News: NY JA Show very weak with some demand for larger fine quality
4ct+ sizes. U.S. recession frightening retailers who are seeking heavy
discounts and avoiding inventory purchases. De Beers opens Forevermark
grading labs in Belgium and UK. Delaware Fed. Bankruptcy Court upholds
rights of memo holders in Whitehall Jewelers case. Bank of America
downgrades Tiffany to “sell” in anticipation of drop in tourism to NY
store. LVHM 1H jewelry sales $650 mil. (+7%), profits $115 mil.
(+30%.) Japan June polished imports -6% to $68 mil. KPCS global
production -0.6% to $12.1 bil. in 2007, volume -4% to 168.2 mil.
carats. Petra Diamonds FY08 sales at $76.6 mil (+356%) and production
at 200,287 cts (+11%). Diavik 2Q08 production at 2.5 mil. cts. (-23%)




Sept. 8, 2008, New York, Waldorf Astoria Hotel

“2010, The Next Decade - Preparing For The Future”

The diamond and jewelry industry is undergoing a period of great
change, challenge and uncertainty. Powerful economic forces are
shifting the global balance of trade. Soaring commodity prices, a
plummeting dollar, the housing crisis and U.S. recession, a billion
new Chinese and Indian consumers, where will it all lead? What will
happen to the diamond and jewelry industry?

What will happen to your business after 2010?




"Mervyns needs to reorganize its finances and operations due to the
state of the economy and difficult operating environment for our
industry. After careful consideration of available alternatives, the
companys management board determined that a Chapter 11 filing was a
necessary and prudent step that allows us to operate our business
without interruption as we seek to restructure our debt and other
obligations in a controlled, court-supervised environment. We are
committed to serving our customers and maintaining regular operations
as we undertake this reorganization."

---John Goodman, CEO of Mervyns



---Slight Drop in 2007 Global Diamond Production, Rough Trading Jumps

The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme reported that global
diamond production in 2007 fell 0.6 percent to $12.1 billion. Total
production by volume fell 4 percent to 168,198,857.66 carats, as value
per carat rose 5 percent to $71.98 a carat for the year.

Botswana remained the largest producer of rough by value despite an 8
percent decline in its production to $2.96 billion. The Russian
Federation was second as its production grew 2 percent to $2.63
billion, followed by Canada, where production increased 18 percent to
$1.66 billion. South Africa’s rough production rose 4 percent to $1.4
billion, and Angola completed the top five with a 12 percent rise to
$1.27 billion.

---Japans June Polished Diamond Imports -6% to $68M

Japan’s imports of polished diamonds fell 6.3 percent to $68.38
million in June 2008. Japan’s imports from India fell 15.3 percent to
$23.22 million, while from Belgium rose 15.9 percent to $20.13
million, and imports from Israel grew 14.5 percent to $10.79 million.
For the first half of the year, Japan’s polished diamond imports fell
9.5 percent to $416.33 million.

---Vietnam: Gem, Gold & Jewelry Exports Rise

Gem, gold and jewelry exports in July jumped to $255 million, lifting
the countrys commodity exports in the first seven months of the year
to $607 million or six times higher than one year ago. Previously, the
government had not allowed the export of gold, only gold jewelry. The
new rule to permit gold exports came into play before July.

---Bank of America Downgrades Tiffany to ‘Sell’

Bank of America Securities downgraded Tiffany & Co. shares to “sell”
saying the jeweler’s U.S. sales would be hurt by an expected drop in
tourism. Bank of America analyst Dana Cohen said in a research note
late last week that a slump in international tourism, evident in
airline cuts in flights to New York would impact Tiffany sales. She
lowered her price target by $6 to $33.

---Executive Order Prohibits Trade with Zimbabwes MMC

President George W. Bush signed an executive order to expand sanctions
against Zimbabwe. The executive order prohibits individuals and
entities closely linked with President Robert Mugabe to operate with
U.S. firms. It also forbids U.S. residents and businesses from
conducting financial or commercial transactions with rough diamond
supplier Minerals Marketing Corporation (MMC) of Zimbabwe, and the
Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation.

---JVC: U.S. Ban on Burmese Rubies, Jadeite to Start

President George W. Bush signed the “Tom Lantos Block Burmese JADE Act
of 2008” on July 29, 2008. The bill requires that within 60 days of
enactment, jadeite or rubies of Burma (Myanmar) origin cannot be
imported into the U.S. This importation ban would encompass all
Burmese origin jadeite and rubies, notwithstanding “substantial
transformation” in Thailand or elsewhere.

---De Beers Launches Diamond Grading Service

De Beers opened its first diamond grading laboratories to service its
Forevermark brand. Forevermark, the newly named marketing unit of the
De Beers group, chose to locate its first labs in Antwerp, Belgium,
and Maidenhead, United Kingdom. Forevermark diamonds will be
optionally graded at the same time that they are inscribed with an
icon and unique identification number, adding that such a service
would help reduce time across the diamond pipeline.

---Rapaport News Broadcast

View coverage of the two New York summer shows, JA NY and the Antique
Jewelry show, which ended this week. Diamond firm Stuller, and brand
Autore and Donna Distefano discuss JA show news. At the antique show
Jack Reiss, Diamonds R Us partner Curiosites, and Platinum Collection
share market observations.



---Rajesh Exports 1Q Sales +15%, Profits -18%

Rajesh Exports reported that net profits in first quarter fell 18
percent to INR 344 million ($8.1 million) for the three months ending
June 30, 2008. Sales rose 15 percent to INR 23.32 billion ($549

---LVMH Jewelry, Watch Sales +7%, Profits +30% in 1H08

LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton revenues rose 5 percent to €7.8
billion ($12.2 billion) in the first half of 2008. Group profits rose
7 percent to €1.541 billion ($2.4 billion.) Sales for the LVHM jewelry
and watch category rose 6.9 percent to €417 million ($650 million) and
profits in this category rose 30 percent to €74 million ($115.4

---Asian Star Profits +55% in 1Q Fiscal 2008-09

India-based polished diamonds manufacturer Asian Star reported that
net profits rose 55 percent to INR 119.11 million ($2.8 million) in
the first quarter of fiscal 2008-09. Company sales grew 7 percent to
INR 3.46 billion ($82 million) for the three months ending June 30,

  1. Expenses rose 9 percent to INR 3.27 billion ($77.68 million) for
    the period, and operating profits grew 9.6 percent to INR 228.23
    million ($5.4 million.)

---Sotheby’s London Jewelry Sale Garners $8M

Sotheby’s generated GBP 3.8 million ($7.7 million) in sales at its
Important Jewels Antique and Contemporary auction in London. The
auction sold 68.3 percent by lot and 76.2 percent by value. The top
selling lot was an emerald and diamond bracelet by Tiffany & Co, which
went for GBP 145,250 ($290,907,) more than double its pre-sale
estimate of GBP 40,000 to GBP 60,000. Diamonds dominated the top ten
selling lots with a 5.63 carat, H color and VVS2 clarity diamond ring
fetching GBP 103,250 ($206,789.)

---Growth was Flat, Profits Fell in Jewelers of America Retail Survey

Jewelers of America released its JA 2008 Cost of Doing Business
Survey, which analyzed member stores’ financial data from year 2007.
The survey found growth among designer/custom, independent high-end,
and chain retailers; while mid-range independents saw real declines.
Overall growth was essentially flat for the first time since 2001 and
2002, coming in at negative 0.3 percent on average (down from a 4.1
percent growth rate in 2006.) Designer/custom retailers fared best
with a 6.1 percent sales increase. Independent high-end retailers
experienced growth of 3.5 percent, but that was down from 2006, when
the category was up 7.4 percent. Chain stores experienced 2.5 percent
sales growth, while mid-range retailers were down 1.7 percent.

---Whitehall Loses Legal Bid to Liquidate Goods on Memo

Whitehall Jewelers Holdings Inc., which is in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
proceedings and had been set to liquidate all inventory in its
possession, lost its legal bid to sell consigned goods (memo) per
Section 363 of the bankruptcy code. A U.S. Federal Bankruptcy Court in
Delaware ruled against Whitehall in favor of the owners of the
consigned goods (vendors) who argued that the goods on memo did not
belong to Whitehall. The retailer may move forward on selling stock it
owns however.

---Mervyns Seeks Chpt. 11 Protection

Department store chain Mervyns LLC filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
protection, the latest merchant to become a casualty in a harsh retail
environment. The company said that all of its stores will remain open
and business will continue as the company reorganizes. The privately
held retailer, which had been languishing for several years, operates
about 175 locations in seven states but primarily in California.



---Jacob the Jeweler Sues Wyclef Jean for Unpaid Watches, Jewelry

The company founded by the New York businessman known in the hip-hop
world as "Jacob the Jeweler" has sued Wyclef Jean, claiming he owes
money for watches and jewelry he bought. The company says Jean still
owes $319,680, despite repeated demands for payment. The companys
founder, Jacob Arabov, was sentenced in June to 2 1/2 years in federal
prison for lying to investigators of a multistate drug ring.

---Artificial Diamond Inventor Dies

H. Tracy Hall, who became the first man to make a diamond, passed away
at 88. In 1948, after earning a doctoral degree from the University of
Utah, Hall joined General Electric’s Project Superpressure to convert
carbon to diamond. In 1954, Hall became the first person to achieve
the feat.

---Element Six Appoints New CEO

Element Six, the industrial diamond unit of De Beers, appointed Cyrus
Jill as chief executive office to replace Christian Hultner who is to
step down after serving eight years in the position. The appointment
will take effect on October 1, 2008; one day after Hultner leaves.
Hultner will remain on the Element Six board as a non-executive

---Hughes to Leave AGTA Gem Testing Center

Richard W. Hughes, gemological administrator for the AGTA Gemological
Testing Center, will be leaving his position effective at the end of
August for a new opportunity in Thailand. Hughes has been with AGTA
since 2005.



---Namibias Largest Union to Negotiate with Leviev Diamonds

Together the National Union of Namibian Workers (NUNW) and the
Mineworkers Union of Namibia (MUN) have appealed to striking workers
at Lev Leviev Diamonds (LLD) to vacate the employers grounds where
workers have set-up camp since June 19. At a press conference, MUN
surrendered its mandate to represent the workers to the more
influential NUNW in hopes that the larger of the two unions would have
more success in representing workers interests to LLD management.

---Botswana: Beneficiation Generates 3,000 Jobs Ahead of Schedule

The diamond cutting and polishing industry recently established in
Botswana, following the setting up of Diamond Trading Company Botswana
(DTCB,) has already created some 3,000 jobs, two years ahead of
target. De Beers Botswana managing director Sheila Khama said since
the setting up of 16 sightholders as clients of DTC Botswana, 3,005
jobs had been created, which is "a milestone achievement."

---FBI to Help Local Police in Diamond Thefts

The FBI agreed to a joint investigation with local police into several
recent diamond and jewelry heists across Arkansas and Tennessee. More
than $1.5 million in diamonds were stolen in the past three weeks.

In what are unrelated robberies, in at least six mall jewelers in
Atlanta have been hit by smash and grab thefts this monShane & Co. was
also robbed in Atlanta on July 14.

---Dubai to Host Diamond & Jewellery Summit

Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) will organize the first Dubai
Diamond and Jewellery Summit, with the objective of providing the
international jewelry trade with a forum to initiate relationships in
the Middle East - the fastest growing market for diamonds. The
inaugural two-day summit will focus on Middle East-China diamond and
jewelry trade, and will be held from November 8 - 9, 2008 at the
Atlantis Hotel, Palm Jumeirah.

---ABN Amro Diamond Unit Planning Move into Botswana, Emerging Markets

ABN Amro is planning to launch operations in Botswana to support the
country’s emerging diamond industry. The bank is also looking at South
Africa, India, Israel and South Africa in its expansion plans.



---Petra Hails Koffiefontein Success as Revenues Jump 356% in FY08

Petra Diamonds reported that revenue from diamond sales more than
tripled (up 356 percent) to $76.6 million in its fiscal year ending
June 30, 2008. Total production rose 11 percent to 200,287 carats,
though the company’s production sold, including inventory carried
over, rose 87 percent to 230,172 carats during the year. The average
price achieved on sales grew 145 percent to $333 per carat.

---Diavik 2Q Production -23%

Diavik Diamond Mines Inc., of Yellowknife, Canada, reported that ore
production accelerated in the second quarter in line with plan due to
improved operating conditions. In the end though, Diavik produced
2.522 million carats of diamonds during the quarter, which was a drop
of 23 percent from one year ago. Diamond production is now forecast to
be from 10 million to 10.5 million carats in 2008. Diavik is an
unincorporated joint venture between Rio Tintos DDMI (60 percent) and
Harry Winston Diamond Mines Ltd. (40 percent.) Both companies are
headquartered in Yellowknife.

---Motapa Diamonds 1Q Exploration Budget Jumps at Mothae

Motapa Diamonds Inc. reported 2009 financials for fiscal first
quarter, ending May 31, 2008, and increased exploration expenditures
215 percent to $1.271 million. The increase was mostly due to the bulk
sampling program at the Mothae mine in Lesotho.

--- Anglo American Profits Jump 27% in 1H 2008

Anglo American reported Thursday that net profits jumped 27 percent to
$4.28 billion in the first half of 2008 driven by higher commodities
prices. The De Beers parent said it had record underlying earnings, up
14 percent to $3.48 billion for the six month period ending June 30,
2008, despite a 10 percent drop in revenues to $17.96 billion.

---African Diamonds a Likely Takeover Target Says Chairman

Just as the dispute over developing the AK6 mine deepens between joint
venture partners De Beers and African Diamonds, the junior miner’s
chairman, John Teeling, told Rapaport News Wednesday he believes the
likely outcome to the rift will be a takeover of African Diamonds. De
Beers spokesperson Lynette Gould would not comment on the possibility
that De Beers was interested in buying African Diamonds stake in
Boteti, saying it was "something for De Beers to discuss internally.



For week ending July 31, 2008

                         Jul 31       Jul 24       Chng

$1 = Euro 0.641 0.638 0.003
$1 = Rupee 42.3 42.1 0.2
$1 = Israel Shekel 3.51 3.48 0.03
$1 = Rand 7.33 7.69 -0.35
$1 = Canadian Dollar 1.02 1.01 0.01

Precious Metals

                        Jul 31        Jul 24       Chng

Gold $914.70 $927.30 -$12.60
Platinum $1,743.00 $1,702.00 $41.00
Stock Indexes

                         Jul 31       Jul 24       Chng     Chng%

BSE 14,355.75 14,777.01 -421.26 -2.85%
Dow Jones Avg. 11,378.02 11,349.28 28.74 0.25%
FTSE 5,411.90 5,362.30 49.60 0.92%
Hang Seng 22,731.10 23,087.72 -356.62 -1.54%
S & P 500 1,267.38 1,252.54 14.84 1.18%
Yahoo! Jewelry Index 856.11 869.54 -13.43 -1.54%

Abazias $1.01 $0.52 $0.49 94.23%
Birks & Mayors $2.24 $2.50 -$0.26 -10.40%
Blue Nile $38.52 $39.80 -$1.28 -3.22%
Charles & Colvard $0.82 $0.86 -$0.04 -4.65%
Collectors Universe $7.42 $7.88 -$0.46 -5.84%
DGSE Companies, Inc. $3.35 $3.80 -$0.45 -11.84%
Fuqi International $8.76 $8.70 $0.06 0.69%
JCPenney $30.83 $30.88 -$0.05 -0.16%
Kohls $41.91 $42.61 -$0.70 -1.64%
Lazare Kaplan $8.65 $8.15 $0.50 6.13%
LJ International $1.90 $1.90 $0.00 0.00%
Macys $18.81 $18.31 $0.50 2.73%
Man Sang $5.75 $5.60 $0.15 2.68%
Movado Group $21.50 $21.34 $0.16 0.75%
Nordstrom $28.74 $29.14 -$0.40 -1.37%
Saks $10.19 $10.71 -$0.52 -4.86%
Signet $10.23 $10.35 -$0.12 -1.16%
Sothebys $27.74 $27.32 $0.42 1.54%
Tiffany $37.79 $38.70 -$0.91 -2.35%
Wal-Mart $58.62 $56.97 $1.65 2.90%
Zale $22.12 $21.13 $0.99 4.69%

Bulgari €7.00 €6.60 €0.40 6.06%
Citizen Holdings €4.46 €4.65 -€0.19 -4.09%
Esa €12.76 €13.45 -€0.69 -5.13%
Golay-Buchel CHF 2,350.00 CHF 2,380.00 -€30.00 -1.26%
LVMH €70.95 €70.05 €0.90 1.28%
Pinault P-R SA €70.17 €70.10 €0.07 0.10%
Richemont SA CHF 63.05 CHF 62.50 CHF 0.55 0.88%
Sakha Diamonds €0.60 €0.66 -€0.06 -8.81%
Swatch Group CHF 245.00 CHF 250.25 -CHF 5.25 -2.10%
Theo Fennell (pence) 37.00 36.00 €1.00 2.78%

Hang HKD 2.05 HKD 2.12 -HKD 0.07 -3.30%
King Fook HKD 0.77 HKD 0.77 HKD 0.00 0.00%
Noble Jewelry HKD 1.20 HKD 1.16 HKD 0.04 3.45%
Tse Sui Luen HKD 0.84 HKD 0.84 HKD 0.00 0.00%

INDIA (rupee)
Classic Diamond 40.65 41.65 -1.00 -2.40%
Gitanjali Gems 257.20 256.65 0.55 0.21%
Rajesh Exports 50.65 55.75 -5.10 -9.15%
Reliance 2,206.20 2,306.55 -100.35 -4.35%
Su-Raj Diamonds 68.00 67.85 0.15 0.22%
Titan 1,127.05 1,097.20 29.85 2.72%
Zodiac JRD 25.00 25.40 -0.40 -1.57%
Shantivijay Jewels 121.55 109.60 11.95 10.90%
Shukra Jewellery 3.20 3.35 -0.15 -4.48%
Suashish Diamonds 377.55 361.65 15.90 4.40%

Michael Hill NZD 0.79 NZD 0.78 NZD 0.01 1.28%

Gems TV Holdings SGD 0.165 SGD 0.140 SGD 0.025 17.86%
Sarin Technologies SGD 0.350 SGD 0.380 -SGD 0.030 -7.89%

(pence unless noted)

                         Jul 31       Jul 24       Chng     Chng%

Anglo American $28.56 $26.35 $2.21 8.39%

Archangel CAD 0.75 CAD 0.86 -CAD 0.11 -12.79%
Harry Winston CAD 21.75 CAD 19.60 CAD 2.15 10.97%
Mountain Province CAD 4.38 CAD 4.21 CAD 0.17 4.04%
Peregrine Diamonds CAD 0.20 CAD 0.20 CAD 0.00 0.00%
Rockwell Diamonds CAD 0.26 CAD 0.30 -CAD 0.04 -13.33%
Shore Gold CAD 1.60 CAD 1.61 -CAD 0.01 -0.62%
Stornoway Diamond CAD 0.30 CAD 0.28 CAD 0.03 9.09%
True North Gems CAD 0.28 CAD 0.31 -CAD 0.04 -11.29%

UK (pence)
African Diamonds 59.1 65.0 -5.9 -9.08%
BHP Billiton 1,693.0 1,540.0 153.0 9.94%
Firestone Diamonds 72.0 77.8 -5.8 -7.46%
Gem Diamonds 1,030.0 975.0 55.0 5.64%
Mano River 7.8 8.3 -0.5 -6.06%
Mwana Africa 39.0 32.0 7.0 21.88%
Namakwa Diamonds 133.0 139.0 -6.0 -4.32%
Petra Diamonds 90.0 99.7 -9.7 -9.72%
Rio Tinto plc 5,340.0 4,905.0 435.0 8.87%



---Diamond Hub Set to Go on Security Overdrive

Senior functionaries in Mumbai’s diamond industry got together
informally on Sunday afternoon and decided to put in extra security
measures at Panchratna, Mumbais diamond trade hub at Opera House.
Enhanced security measures will be implemented at the building where
nearly 680 registered diamond traders conduct business every day.

---Polished: Locals are preparing for the upcoming IIJS show and faces
severe shortages due to closures of the Surat marketplace.

-1 point: Very good demand: +$225 whites.

      Good demand: $150-$200 whites.
      Fair demand: $150-$350 TTLC & $175-$250 white natts.

-2 point: Good demand: +$300 whites.

      Fair demand: $250-$300 whites; $125-$150 TTLB & $125-$400 

2-7 point: Very Good demand: +$300 whites.

       Good demand: $250- $300 whites.
       Fair demand: $100-$150 TTLB & $125-$400 TTLC.

8-18 point: Good demand: +$550 whites.

        Fair demand: $150-$200 TTLB & $200-$450 TTLC. 

20 points: Good demand: +$650 whites.

       Fair demand: $200-$400 whites.

25 points: Good demand: +$700 whites.

       Fair demand: $200-$450 whites.

33 points: Good Demand: $1400-$1600 whites.

       Fair Demand: $150-$500 whites.

50 points: Good demand: +$2000 & $1000-$1,500 whites

       Fair demand: $700-$800 & $300-$500 whites.

75 points: Good demand: +$3,000 whites.

       Fair demand: $700-$900 whites.

1 carat+: Very good demand: +$5,000 whites.

      Good demand: $1,500-$4,500 whites.

Princess: -3 point: Fair demand: $200-$250 & $325-&375 whites.

      +3 point: Fair demand: $$250-$300 & $350-$400 whites.
      +9-18 point: Good demand: +14 pts $600-$650 whites
                   Fair demand: $225-$275 & $300-$400 whites.

      20 point: Fair demand: $350-$400 whites & $750-$800 whites.
      25 point: Fair demand: $350-$400 whites.
      50 point: Fair demand: $600-$1,000 whites.
      75 point: Fair demand: $1,200-$1,400 whites.
      1 carat+: Good demand: +$1,500 whites.

Marquise: -6 point: Very good demand: $400-$550 whites.

                Good demand: $250-$350 whites.
      +7-18 point: Very good demand: $500-$650 & +14-point $850-
                   $900 whites.
                   Good demand: $225-$300 & +14-point $300-$350
      20 point: Good demand: $675-$725 & $950-$1000 whites.
                Fair demand: $325-$375 whites.
      25 point: Good demand: $1,000-$1,100 whites.
                Fair demand: $400-$450 whites.
      33 point: Good demand: $1,200-$1,400 whites.
      50 point: Good demand: $1,600-$1,800 whites.
      75 point: Good demand: $1,100-$1,400 & $2,600-$3,000 whites.
      1 carat+: Very Good demand: +$1,200 whites.

Tapers & Baguettes:

      Good demand: $550-$800 +5mm whites. $225-$300
         2mm-2.5mm whites; $300-$350, 2.5mm-3mm whites;
         $350-$450 3mm-4mm, $500-$600 4mm –
         5mm & $175-$250 +2mm-3mm whites.

---Rough: Local rough market is very slow due to higher prices, and
workers only now resuming some normalcy after the bombings.

1-5 point: Very good movement: $80-$150 makeables; $100-$200 crystals.

       Good movement: $30-$75 makeables.
       Good movement: $50-$100 OW TTLB & TTLC;
       Fair movement: $5-$20 OW TTLB & TTLC.

6-20 point: Good demand: $150-225 crystals; $130-$180 makeables.

        Fair demand: $40-$140 makeables; $60-$80 clivage;
        $50-$100 makeables; Very good movement $80-$180;
        Fair demand $60-$120 fancy shapes;
        $70-$120 OW TTLC & TTLB rounds.

21-50 point: Good demand: $235-300 makeables; $170-$360 crystals.

         Fair demand: $110-$220 rounds; $100-$150 crystals; $70-
         $130 clivage; Very good movement $150-$230 and
         Fair demand $75-$100 fancy shapes; Good demand $70-$150 &
         Fair demand $20-$50 OW TTLC & TTLB.

0.51-1.00 carat: Good demand: $80-$125 & $150-$350 makeables;

             $125-$250 & $300-$500 crystals.
             Fair demand: $70-$100 clivage; Very good demand $225-
             $325 and Fair demand $70-$125 fancy shapes;
             Good demand $140-$180 & Fair demand $90-$125 OW TTLC 
             & TTLB.

1.01-2.00 carat: Fair demand: $225-$650 rounds; $225-$800 crystals;

             $125-$170 clivage; $200-$400 all fancy shapes.
             Good demand $170-$225 OW TTLC & TTLB.

2.01-3.00 carat: Good demand: $225-$1,500 makeables; $500-$1,000 OW

             TTLC & TTLB & $350-$1,700 crystals.
             Fair demand: $300-$400 clivage; $125-$400 flats &
             $500-$1,000 fancy shapes.

5.00 carat+: Very good demand: $1,200+ makeables, crystals & all fancy

         shapes till L color.

Trochu práce má FBI.😉

Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

Profilový obrázek

Příspěvky: 22 594

23. 10. 2006

1. 8. 2008, 21:29

Prepáč jano tu časť fóra som si dovolil zrušiť.😃

Dôvod:každý Arab ktorý reálne obchoduje určite vie An. samozrejme aj kopa iných narodností.😉

Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.


Příspěvky: 10 715

26. 7. 2007

1. 8. 2008, 21:32

nehnevaj sa grofik ale

... Som tu deň a noc ...
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