United States:
Industry enters crucial weeks ahead of Thanksgiving and subsequent holiday season. Retailers expecting Christmas sales to be later than usual. Steady demand for 3 ct. and larger, D-K, VS2-SI1, 3X diamonds without milkiness or black center. Jewelers focusing on memo deals and seeing strong conversions. Dealers confident lab-grown competition will lessen as prices tumble.
Trading quiet but stable. Many dealers absent due to public holiday and school vacations. Indian import pause has led to reduced inventories. Some movement in 2 ct. rounds, but sales still few and far between. Weak demand for 1 ct. and smaller diamonds.
Business slow as war affects attendance at bourse. November membership fees cut by 50%. Conflict impacting day-to-day work as rockets continue to target major cities; schools shut in some areas of country. Shipments limited due to reduction in flights, but companies still making sales.
Import moratorium and pre-holiday demand offering some relief to industry. Surat factories operating at 20% to 25% of capacity and working mainly with old rough from before voluntary freeze. Manufacturers preparing to pause production over Diwali but will fulfill Christmas orders out of Mumbai marketing offices. Fancy shapes moving but at lower prices than in previous months.
Hong Kong:
Local retail improving as tourism returns. Mainland China demand slow due to weak economy. Stable demand for 0.30 to 1.50 ct., D-J, VVS-SI diamonds but in small quantities. Industry focusing on 11/11 shopping festival. Diamonds losing out to gold and pearls. Wedding and engagement market supporting sector.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

Market Comment
November 23, 2023
News: Dealers gaining confidence as Thanksgiving kicks off holiday retail season. NRF predicts record 182M shoppers over long weekend. Polished prices stable. Inventories of rounds down. Steady trade demand for round, 1 to 3 ct., F-I, SI1-SI2 diamonds. Rapaport issues consumer alert warning that some retailers overcharging for synthetic diamonds. Indian manufacturers closed for extended Diwali break. India’s import freeze impacting rough producers, with Stornoway entering insolvency and Lucapa reviewing exploration costs at Merlin. Sarine 3Q revenue -28% to $10M, loss of $1M vs. profit of $2M in 2022. China weak amid ongoing economic slump.
Fancies: Fancy market slowing. Longer Ovals, Pears, Radiants and Cushions bringing higher prices than shorter stones. Elongated fancy shapes selling well. Goods with medium and short ratios weak. Prices of square Cushions falling amid low demand and high inventories. Marquise prices holding up following drop in supply. 0.30 ct. doing well. Orders down for 0.70 to 1.20 ct. diamonds. Well-cut stones seeing shortages. Excellent shapes commanding premiums. Retailers offering broader product ranges as consumers seek alternative cuts. Oversizes trading at higher prices than usual. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid and hard to sell.
United States:
Mood cautiously optimistic ahead of holiday season. Memo still the preferred strategy for retailers, but some buying outright. Steady demand for round, 0.70 to 4 ct., F-I, SI1-SI2 diamonds. Nicer stones hard to replace. High-end brands taking conservative approach to 2024 orders.
Sentiment mixed. Polished demand slow but showing some improvement in commercial goods as holiday season approaches. Synthetics continuing to take market share. Rough market quiet, as miners have reduced supply.
Activity low due to sluggish global demand and ongoing war with Hamas. Rapaport single-stone Israeli auctions continuing with reasonable sales levels. Dealers trying to reduce inventories and preparing for end of financial year after difficult 2023.
Market quiet as Surat polishing factories remain closed for Diwali holiday. Some sales offices in Mumbai have reopened. Sellers reducing prices of undesirable stones but raising prices of nice goods; buyers showing resistance to higher prices. Festival week saw strong local consumer demand for gold.
Hong Kong:
Business slow amid economic weakness. Indian suppliers on vacation for Diwali. Fourth-quarter festive season driving demand, but mostly in lower-priced goods and other gems such as pearls. Companies finding it hard to succeed without sales of higher-ticket items. Retailers considering reducing rental expenses.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

Market Comment
December 14, 2023
News: Prices of rounds stable; mixed trend in fancies. Market steady, but future uncertain as Indian production resumes. Polished inventories down due to lower production, but oversupply is a concern if manufacturers buy too much rough. US holiday sales supporting B2B demand for round, 1 to 3 ct., F-I, VS-SI, 3X diamonds. Indian sellers asking for higher prices, but clients only willing to buy when purchasing for specific orders. Alrosa 3Q revenue +55% YOY to $874M, Interfax estimates. Rough prices recovering at auctions and tenders, with Petra Dec. prices +19% from Sep.-Oct. Some sightholders expect price drops at De Beers Jan. sight, as miner needs revenue following 2H losses. US Oct. polished imports -21% to $1.5B.
Fancies: Fancy market slowing. Weak demand for Hearts and Cushions. Longer Ovals, Pears, Radiants and Cushions bringing higher prices than shorter stones. Elongated fancy shapes selling well. Goods with medium and short ratios harder to sell. Marquise prices holding up following drop in availability. 0.30 ct. seeing good sales. Orders down for 0.70 to 1.20 ct. diamonds. Well-cut stones in short supply. Excellent shapes commanding premiums. Retailers offering broader product ranges as consumers seek alternative cuts. Oversizes trading at higher prices than usual. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid.
United States:
Steady holiday demand ahead of peak shopping days. Dealers expecting late season. Solid interest in round, 1 to 3 ct., G-I, VS-SI, 3X diamonds with no center black. Some jewelers buying for stock. Fancies weaker than rounds. Melee market still strong as retailers make final Christmas orders. Hard to find nice material to replace sold inventory.
Cautious optimism for holiday season amid return of US demand and drop in inventories. Steady orders for 0.30 and 1 ct., 3X diamonds. Concerns about synthetics have eased slightly as consumers come to understand long-term value issues.
Bourse quiet during Hanukkah holiday and ongoing war. Prices have risen, but dealers unsure whether recovery will continue after fourth-quarter shopping season. Return of Indian manufacturing is reigniting concerns about oversupply.
Sentiment good; demand has improved, and supply remains limited. Manufacturing still below capacity following long Diwali vacation and two-month freeze on rough imports. Steady orders for round, 1 to 1.49 ct., D-I, VVS-SI2 diamonds as US holiday season reaches peak. Stable American and European interest in 2 ct. and larger goods. Well-cut pears, ovals, marquises and emeralds selling. Domestic jewelry market supporting trade in under-1 ct., D-H, VVS1-VS2, 3X diamonds.
Hong Kong:
Business improving ahead of holidays, but consumers shifting to lower-priced jewelry. Local Hong Kong market slower than last year. Mainland China retailers selling items with melee, gold, and synthetic diamonds as weak economy forces budget cuts. Demand for 1 to 1.50 ct., D-J, VVS diamonds strengthening. Pears, emeralds and ovals in 1 to 2 ct. sizes moving. Chinese jewelry manufacturers increasing production levels ahead of Lunar New Year.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

December 21, 2023
News: Dealer market slow as US retailers focus on final Christmas sales. Solid holiday results expected. Polished prices stable. Indian manufacturers slowly reopening. De Beers Dec. sales -69% YOY to $130M; miner predicts gradual recovery in rough trading now that supply-demand balance has improved. India Nov. polished exports -12% to $1.1B, rough imports -76% to $314M amid voluntary shipment freeze. European Union declares first sanctions on Russian diamonds, says ban will extend to synthetics, jewelry and watches. Indian President Narendra Modi inaugurates Surat Diamond Bourse. Rapaport wishes everyone happy holidays.
Fancies: Fancy market slowing. Weak demand for Hearts and Cushions. Longer Ovals, Pears, Radiants and Cushions bringing higher prices than shorter stones. Elongated fancy shapes selling well. Goods with medium and short ratios harder to sell. Marquise prices holding up following drop in availability. 0.30 ct. seeing good sales. Orders down for 0.70 to 1.20 ct. diamonds. Well-cut stones in short supply. Excellent shapes commanding premiums. Retailers offering broader product ranges as consumers seek alternative cuts. Oversizes trading at higher prices than usual. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid.
United States:
Holiday season peaking, with retailers making final sales before Christmas. Wholesale buying has slowed. Steady memo demand for round, 1 to 3 ct., F-I, VS-SI, 3X diamonds with no center black or fluorescence. Good conversion rates for consignment goods. Inventory harder to replace following drop in Indian polished production. Some uncertified parcel goods commanding higher prices than diamonds with reports.
Sentiment okay, but some believe this is only because of holiday season. Steady demand for melee and large diamonds; mid-sizes slow. Reduction in Indian manufacturing has led to difficulties replacing inventory. Small fancy shapes in demand. Industry preparing to close for Christmas and New Year.
Market stable but uncertain, with companies focusing on holiday sales. US customers limiting their purchases. Suppliers waiting to see how memo goods perform over holidays.
Industry cautious following end of two-month voluntary freeze on rough imports. Fresh polished has not reached market yet. Manufacturers careful not to buy too much and are keeping production low amid uncertainty about future prices. Indian wedding season supporting demand for round, under-1 ct., D-H, VVS1-VS2, 3X diamonds.
Hong Kong:
Holiday season driving improvement in trading, but sales slower than in previous years. Retailers maintaining low inventories. Wholesalers discounting to secure revenues. Stable demand for 0.50 to 1 ct., D-J, VVS-SI1 diamonds. Some demand for 2 to 5 ct., F-I, VS goods, indicating wealthy consumers are still spending. Younger customers showing preference for synthetics, seeking fashionable styles at lower cost.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

Market Comment
January 4, 2024
News: Happy New Year! Holiday season looks okay. Diamond trade ended challenging 2023 with 0.50 ct. RAPI -26%, 1 ct. -21%, 3 ct. -11%. Round prices stabilized in Dec. Mixed trend in fancies. Chinese retail slow ahead of Feb. 10 Lunar New Year. All eyes on De Beers Jan. 15 sight, as price changes could shake market. Labs report synthetic diamonds bearing forged GIA inscriptions. EU to implement sanctions on Russian diamonds, with Belgium trying to control market. No import regulations issued, and industry uncertain how rules will impact supply and costs. Rapaport warns trade to protect US market and will launch Rapaport US Diamond Protocol next week to restrict import of sanctioned diamonds.
Fancies: Fancy market slowing. Weak demand for Hearts and Cushions. Longer Ovals, Pears, Radiants and Cushions bringing higher prices than shorter stones. Elongated fancy shapes moving well. Goods with medium and short ratios harder to sell. Marquise prices holding up following drop in availability. 0.30 ct. seeing good sales. Orders down for 0.70 to 1.20 ct. diamonds. Well-cut stones in short supply. Excellent shapes commanding premiums. Retailers offering broader product ranges as consumers seek alternative cuts. Oversizes trading at higher prices than usual. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid.
United States:
Christmas season saw steady demand for round, 1 to 2 ct., G-I, VS2-SI1 diamonds. Lower-cost items sold well. Suppliers preparing inventory for retailers’ restocking and are waiting for more information. Short week due to New Year celebrations. Traders slowly returning from vacation, but market remains quiet. Dealers reflecting on decent holiday. Focus shifting to Feb. 14 Valentine’s Day.
Market quiet with dealers on New Year break. Bourses to resume regular activity Monday, January 8.
Trading minimal, as overseas customers are on vacation. Dealers waiting for holiday sales data to assess restocking demand levels in first quarter.
Business slow due to seasonal lull in global market. Higher-clarity melee has cooled following drop in overseas activity. Manufacturers and dealers optimistic that situation will improve when foreign buyers return after New Year vacation. Strong traffic expected at IIJS Signature show amid robust domestic jewelry demand.
Hong Kong:
Wholesale sector quiet during festival period. Tourism recovery has boosted Hong Kong luxury market, but Chinese visitors are spending less than before. Retail business below pre-pandemic levels. Jewelers looking for ways to attract younger, local customers. Mainland market slow as focus turns to Feb. 10 Chinese New Year.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.

Market Comment
January 11, 2024
News: Round prices stabilizing but discounts still deep. Fancy-shape prices mixed. Rough market for smaller sizes heating up as India import freeze has caused shortages. Sightholders expect lower prices at next week’s sight, since De Beers rough is expensive. Celebrities show off natural diamonds at Golden Globes. Solid trading at India’s IIJS Signature show amid positive outlook for rest of wedding season. Titan 3Q jewelry sales +23% as consumers bought gold despite high prices; diamond jewelry less strong. GIA launches same-day verification to combat rise in fraud. Debswana board approves $1B investment in Jwaneng underground expansion. Bruce Cleaver steps down as De Beers cochair.
Fancies: Fancy market slowing. Weak demand for Hearts and Cushions. Longer Ovals, Pears, Radiants and Cushions bringing higher prices than shorter stones. Elongated fancy shapes moving well. Goods with medium and short ratios harder to sell. Marquise prices holding up following drop in availability. 0.30 ct. seeing good sales. Orders down for 0.70 to 1.20 ct. diamonds. Well-cut stones in short supply. Excellent shapes commanding premiums. Retailers offering broader product ranges as consumers seek alternative cuts. Oversizes trading at higher prices than usual. Off-make, poorly cut fancies illiquid.
United States:
Market stable. Dealers reflect on mixed holiday season, which started strongly but dipped for some sellers in December. Large companies succeeded in maintaining momentum. Retailers and dealers assessing 1Q inventory needs and preparing for Valentine’s Day. VS goods moving better than SIs.
Traders slowly returning from vacation and assessing market situation. Recent festive period was mediocre, with US and European markets showing mixed results. Industry focused on Jan. 15 De Beers sight and watching for impact on rough prices.
US demand stabilized over holiday season. Rounds doing okay, with melee firm. Prices of top-make fancy shapes steady; inventories of medium makes increasing and prices softening. All eyes on De Beers sight.
Domestic market strong as Indian economy has outperformed China’s. Trading stable but export demand weak, with shortages of better-quality goods supporting market. Steady orders for round, 0.30 to 0.90 ct., D-I, VVS-SI, RapSpec A3+ diamonds. Buyers selective. Polished production below capacity following end of two-month freeze on rough imports. Far East recovering slowly, with some Chinese interest in dossiers. Uncertainty about rough market ahead of De Beers sight.
Hong Kong:
Festive season supporting wholesale market, with more activity in recent weeks due to Christmas and New Year holidays. Focus shifting to Chinese New Year. Good demand for round, 0.70 to 1.50 ct., D-J, VS-SI1, 3X diamonds as nice SI2s are hard to find. Slow economy dampening interest in 2 ct. and larger stones.
Múdry sa teší objaveniu pravdy, hlupák falošnosti.
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