obmedzenia proti praniu spinavych penazi.
chod na ten resolution center kde budu chciet zrejme nejake udaje navyse, na potvrdenie ze ty si naozaj ty (c. karty, napriklad.
alebo zmenit account type, aj to je mozne.
mas personal? ak ano, zrejme budes potrebovat premier.

tohle je jsou moje limity
Your account limits
For security reasons, initial limits are set on the amount you can send, receive, and withdraw from your PayPal account. To lift your limits, select all you want to lift and click the Lift Limits button.
Limits are denominated in your primary currency. If you use a different currency, the limit will be reduced by the primary currency equivalent of the transaction amount.
Type of Limit Amount of Limit Remaining Reset date
Receiving limit per year 68,850.00 CZK 8,885.59 CZK Oct 10, 2013

ted jsem klikl na
Status: Verified
a ukazalo me to toto --- co mam udelat abych byl overen ?????
Your PayPal account is Verified
You are now a Verified PayPal user. In addition to increased security, buyers and sellers value your Verified status because it indicates you have passed PayPal security checks. Most importantly, you can now send unlimited payments with your PayPal account.
Your member status is: Verified

Podľa toho, čo tam píšu si overený. A máš neobmedzený limit (send unlimited payments).
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